Refresh: Upward

Refresh: Upward f12

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Refresh: Upward f12

Significant changes to pl_upward to improve competitive suitability

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This version of pl_upward has hundreds of small changes which significantly improve competitive suitability.

Changes include:
  • Corrected clipping.
  • Better splash handling.
  • Closing off of a lot of holes.
  • Compiled with BSPReveal
A full compilation of patchnotes and screenshots can be found here

The original map pl_upward was made by Valve
First release
Last update

Resource team

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Latest updates

  1. F12 Release

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  2. F11 Release

    Credit to Hamn for his work on this version Added back occluders from stock upward Added more hints, areaportals and occluders for optimization Redone skybox brushes for optimization
  3. F10 Release

    Credit to Hondjo and Bereth for their work on this version Fixed the catwalk roof on third Improved splash handling by removing leftover spawn signs collision Added clip to window on last near dropdown Brought back PC props instead of the...