-adjusted back lower route behind cap conveyor belt to try and find a better mix of geometry for that area
-adjusted health and ammo
-clipping fixes
-fixed missing props
-added announcer countdown for cap zone
-adjusted back route around mid so it can't be used to bypass mid and streamline to the other teams spawn
-made map a bit bigger
-changed crate pickup sound
-other stuff probably
-Added health around the conveyor belt crane area
-raised roof of low building near conveyor belt
-adjusted roof by cement mixer and rearranged geometry there
-fixed some clipping
-moved some health and ammo
-lowered respawn time from starting at 6 seconds to 5 seconds. Respawn time still adjusts depending upon who's winning and who's losing
-probably some other stuff too
-opened up some space around mid
-increased distance between spawn and mid by a tad
-replaced big fence walls at mid
-added jump pad to dead end
-removed jump pad from mid
-added cover in other areas to replace some of the big wall fence cover
-fixed busted resupply lockers
-clipping fixes
-probably some other stuff too
-redid geometry around mid, again
-clipping fixes
-tried to de-swiss-cheese routes
-made the pd flag crates
-made geometry around the conveyor belt more interesting
-adjusted the rest of the map to fit this new geometry
-bought some games on the steam summer sale
-expanded spaces to make the map larger that before
-adjusted geometry to fit new size
-lengthened conveyor
-added some cover around conveyor
-speed up cap point and conveyor so that it still reaches the grinder in time with the extended conveyor length
-probably some other things too
-had a good nights sleep
-adjusted geometry around mid
-redid mid
-adjusted geometry to match redone mid
-partied like it was 1999