The most fun I've had in the Vscript version of Gun Game so far. I absolutely adore the roof area, feels awesome to play around and jump around and fight people in. I think there's some serious prop clutter on the lower floors but that can get fixed later. May be one too many floors but I do like the trains being a seperate play space; They would suck to play around in normal gameplay space. Currently an 8/10 in terms of Gameplay. Can't give the aesthetics a bump at the moment, it's all dev textures and all FLAT dev textures (which is lame).
When I see my textures aren't lined up or don't fit the scale, it bothers me immensely in a way I can't quite describe. I also spend a lot of time aligning separate textures with "treat as one" and facing them when I see them like this, which is time that could be better spent actually working on the map. Either way, this is obviously an alpha issue, and if the map is ever artpassed I will obviously not be using flat textures such as these. Just wanted to elaborate on the reasoning!