
Multi Stage Pollution A8

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Multi Stage Pollution A8

Re-pollute the enemy!

Pollution is my first ever attempt at a multistage payload map. I've learned from my misstakes with Basetown, and have looked at multiple official payload maps trying to learn what makes a map fun. Currently, only the first stage is in the works, with the second and third stage being added later on.

Let me hear what you think needs to be improved. All helpful advice is welcome!

Map by Dr. Orange.

pl_pollution_s1_a80000.jpg pl_pollution_s1_a80001.jpg pl_pollution_s1_a80002.jpg pl_pollution_s1_a80003.jpg pl_pollution_s1_a80004.jpg pl_pollution_s1_a80005.jpg
Dr. Orange
First release
Last update

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  1. Update Alpha 8

    It took it's time and doing, but it's finally here. Pollution stage 1 v. alpha 8. Stage 2 is in the workings. Changelog: + Added a door that starts open and become one-way-only after the first point is capped. - Removed the old door from the...
  2. Alpha 7!

    Changelog: + Added some stuff - Removed some stuff * Can't exactly remember what
  3. Update Alpha 6.

    Changelog: - Removed the flanks to the left (the one-way door) and the right to concentrate game space. + Added some more length to the map. * Replaced some buildings with platforms. * Lowered the B arena. + Gave Defenders some height advantage...