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plr_ngml A2

A map my friend requested me to make.

This map is basically 'payloadrace_notgraymannslab_versionnumber'
The gist is to compete against the opposing team to blow up Gray Mann's Lab before he devises another MVM attack.

NOTE, PLEASE READ: I version my maps differently from others, I version my maps as Test* before making them alpha, and any update can be rated 'Stage,Number,Optional'.
T: testing (e.g. Ver.1-Ver.4)
BE: bleeding edge (e.g. Ver.5-NextVer.0)

Not much, still in alpha.

Detailed playable plr gameplay,
Uneven tracks lengths (my friend told me to brand this as original),
Almighty Dev textures,
3D Skybox,
A truck,
A secret.

Change the lab to be in a neighbourhood, and to make it viable as a BLU sniper tower to counter RED,

Unfair for BLU, as there's a sniper tower specifically to camp BLU,
Expand 3D Skybox.

Please suggest ideas for future versions of this map.
Please advice and notice me of any issues, bugs, or problems.]
Do Not send useless ideas or any that's impossible/beyond my abilities.
Do Not spam/troll.
First release
Last update
Payload Race

Latest updates

  1. A2 is now done!

    So recently I got into a light crash accident, but not enough to stop me from attending school, but it really hurts when I sit, so this is all I did over the last few days.
  2. Fixed issue, modified displacement

    The skybox has been fixed, displacement has been modified, school got in the way again. So, I was testing it last night, but I needed to get ready for school, thus, it being realeased now. Probably will take a bit of a break, then return.
  3. Added stuff, got a bug.

    All I did tonight, more school and homework may slow me down.