pl_walkingbread Concept Art

pl_walkingbread Concept Art 2021-12-19

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pl_walkingbread Concept Art 2021-12-19

A kaiju-themed payload map concept


One of my most desired additions to the game would be the inclusion of more maps that take place in a city environment. In this map, BLU team pushes the bomb cart (a retro Japanese truck) down the streets of Tokyo to foil a kaiju attack.

I don't have enough knowledge to actually execute this idea, but I thought it was a cool enough concept to at least illustrate.

This is my very first 72 Hour Jam, and I had lots of fun brainstorming under the time limit. Thank you to the tf2maps staff for the opportunity!
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Latest reviews

Very well drawn, simplistic and stylish at the same time. Spectacular work!
i love the bread monster's design
super cool image