pd_scavenge a1
Team 4 Tress 2
>Bring gas to the cart
>Whoever pushes the furthest at the end of round wins
>If teams are equal they tie
>Whoever pushes into the enemy's last control point first wins
>Control Points along the way add time
>Drop zones activate every 2 minutes
>30 seconds from activation they lock the carts
>On point activation they start drip-feeding cans for 30 more seconds
>On lockdown, the timer pauses
>Generators can be started by anyone and heal teammates nearby
>Enemies can block you from capturing cans but they cannot stop the cart from moving from previously deposited cans.
>Watch out for invisible spies!!!
>Bring gas to the cart
>Whoever pushes the furthest at the end of round wins
>If teams are equal they tie
>Whoever pushes into the enemy's last control point first wins
>Control Points along the way add time
>Drop zones activate every 2 minutes
>30 seconds from activation they lock the carts
>On point activation they start drip-feeding cans for 30 more seconds
>On lockdown, the timer pauses
>Generators can be started by anyone and heal teammates nearby
>Enemies can block you from capturing cans but they cannot stop the cart from moving from previously deposited cans.
>Watch out for invisible spies!!!