
pass_snowsteel a4b

> Removed capture crits
> Changed the angle of the catapults
> Fixed the walk in gate not properly pushing the ball out of it
> Moved the tree on mid to take up less visual space
> Fixed the speed boosts not having proper animations
> Added more detailing to the 3d skybox
> Changed the lower gate from a throw able gate to a walk in gate.
> Added a door that shows lower gate's availability.
> Fixed some clipping issues on the displacements.
> Lowered the vertically of the hut to the side of the control point.
> Change control point function.
> > Now disables friendly lower-gate and enables friendly speed boosts.
> > Changed start of match text to match.
> Changed bonus cap location
> Changed bonus cap from the standard watertower to the tfconnect tree.
> Added playerclips on more roofs.
> Significant detailing for tfconnect.
> Added a 3d skybox.
> Removed the jump pad from lower gate to mid gate, and replaced it with a bridge.
> Changed the destination of the jump pad near spawn.
> Moved the roof jump pad onto the building behind wooden building.
> Added some health and ammo packs.
> Finished the pass time tracker hud
> Added hud elements for the control point (Thank you LuxDeluxe)
> Removed the tunnel from courtyard
> Retrofitted the upper area to compensate.
> Changed the layout from the control point to the jack spawn area.
> More detailing attempts