-added tons of new details around the map

-replaced the crashed plane with an awesome mansion of greatness

-widened the corridor of the first courtyard out of spawn

-made spawn smaller

-some optimization, i guess

-a cool new thing that happens when the point is capped

have fun.


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lotsa stuff comin' hot.

-addeda new route going behind the minefield
-added a burning fucking fallen airplane at the other end of the map
-lots of redecoration, including new props and whatnot.
-one extra landmine for each team.
-extended some buildings
-some optimization and whatnot.


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oh yeah baby, it's comin'!

-Finally detailed the center building, made a cool hole, may i'll make it explode in the future.

-changed some textures

-even maw detailing!

and that's pretty much anything

also happy 12 years to TF2!
-detailed and applied textures to each team's main house

-made a cool thing with a hole in the wall

-moved some barrels

-minor detailing

that's it
a smaller yet important update

-changed the access route to the south courtyard, it used to be just a straight open line with sightlines blocked by props. Now it is a small house, the basic structure is really not that changed

-fix an issue where bloom scale would not go down, now it's functional again.

-removed the railings on the mid building, they were blocking shots and unnecessary in general.

-elevated part of the big houses near mid to match the mid house.

-changed positioning of spawn points

-some more clipping

this will probably be my last update in a while, i have spent so much of my free time just working on this.
I dont know, man. Errors suddenly, out of fucking nowhere. Im mad and tired
This one is a biggie

-First, it is pretty clear that I have changed the skybox and enviroment lighting, this is purely my decision as I find the foggy sawmill enviroment too lifeless and boring.

-Now only one crate drops at the beggining of a round as I changed many of the pickups around the map, mostly removing the many unnecessary ones.

-The roof is now locked again, it made soldiers and demos too powerful.

-Added some more details to the skybox and a little gimmic at the end.

-More minor detailing

-A few internal lighting tweaks
ab means like when it's still alpha but you are starting to detail some areas, right? Good, because that's where i'm heading!

changes include:

-spawn areas were too cramped, i completely changed the spawnrooms and opened a nice court for players to look around!

-I recieved a lot of feedback saying there was no highground next to the point, so I elevated the middle building so players cannot crouch jump to retreat.

-players can now jump on the middle house's roof but no buildings allowed!
-lotsa detailing

detailing is fun!
huge damn changes this time.

-with help from some of you guys, i managed to open up the map and break the awful sightline that has been terrorising me since the start.
-Removed barrels in the hallways and the barrel on the point.
-Walls dont explode anymore.
-explosives dont instakill, mines do 100dp and barrels do 200dp

I hope this time the map is enjoyable.
apparently i did not compile with ldr lighting.
