Mid Flank

Mid Flank Alpha 6

I'm getting pretty happy with how the map is turning out, the only problem seems to be that the defenders can enter the attackers territory really easily, but it's hard to tell if that's the map's fault or not. since every time the defenders really invade the attackers territory, it's usually thanks to an uber or phlog. I'll probably just collect more data on that.

  • Change the layout slightly to cut down on the sight line from midflank to spawn;
  • Added some light by the triangular blocker at mid to help visibility;
  • Fixed some health and ammo packs not having patches on the floor.
Small changes here:
  1. Added some hazard tape to show the capture area
  2. Lowered the height of midflank's ceiling
  3. Fixed the area of the dispenser beam not matching the capture area
  4. Fixed the broken doors
  5. Added a small out of bounds area on the spawn courtyard
Made some changes to the area between mid and spawn, raising it quite a bit so that now the attacker aren't on a constant uphill battle.
I've also removed the ammo near the point and some cover and added a little disperser beam on the point that only heals those who are on the attacking team.
Hopefully this will be a step fowards in making the map a fun back and fowards bettwen the two teams instead of just a steamroll.
So I did some big changes to mid and the mid flank itself beeing now way lower than before while also having two ramps leading up instead of just one. Hopefully this means that it will be at little bit less powerful. Also the full health pack has been replaced with a fairly small small health pack. No more getting highground and a health pack.

Now to mid. Mid as recieved some changes including the slight reduction of capture time and some extra cover to aid the attacking team.
Made some alterations to the map, primarely the comple revamp of the spawn area as well as making it clearer where one can go underneath the plank ways that lead to the control point.


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