Hello again! Happy to announce larur_a3! This update seeks to smooth out the grievances people had with that last two versions. Namely: Lighting & People not using the Roofs. So let me take you on another lengthy dev diary!

Most common feedback I've gotten so far on the map was the Lighting. It's always been admittingly too dark and I was apprehensive to change it for the longest time because it looked cool ass hell. But I concede it had to change. Teams could barely recognized each other. Map should be way more visibly clear now.


(Note: B Point is now way too Bright, will change in next version a4)

The Roof
Players still have not been able to intuit that they could get on the roofs on the map. This has me very sad. It's made gameplay dynamics on the map duller because a whole way of playing on map just isn't being used. So I've decided with help from the tf2maps discord to covertly point towards the player that they can infact go up there. I've added a prop jump and a health kit plus an arrow pointing upwards to show that players can get up in that area.

Final Thoughts:
Happy with the way the map is coming out but there's still work to be done. As of A3 the main mechanic hasn't been implemented also: The logic is presenting problems when played on the tf2maps server. I have not been able to deduce what's the problem as of the time of writing and releasing this version however I will work towards fixing these issues. If anyone can help please let me know

Thank You, This concludes the dev diary on a3. Till next time! Much Love! :]
Hello yall! Proud to finally release the a2 second version of larur! After testing on a1 a few problems became readily apparent and I thought I'd go into depth about what those changes entail. Come with me as I delve into insanity tryna explain some stuff.

First thing is simple: The big af sightline from spawn to spawn was heavily disliked and most people did not care for it. To remedy this I blocked off the window but kept it as a chicken wire mesh to you could still see through it. With this change I hope to retain visibility but cutdown on Snipers smoking you two second into the game. I also blocked a few other sightlines.

The Silo-Sniper nest just didn't work in execution. It the line of sight it did give you was very little & mostly just gave you a sightline into the other Silo-Sniper nest. No one used it and it served little purpose, so I decided to seal it up and put a small ammo pack in its place.

A Point has gotten a significant remake, well somewhat but I think its still pretty worthwhile. Something that kept happening game after game was one team going one point and the other going another. This created what I call a "Bear-Goose" effect wherein combat became predictable and games panned out somewhat the same. In order to also understand the effect we must also look at the OG A point. It was far to pushed away from the significantly closer B point and whatever team took it (usually red) had a huge advantage this due to the fact that the point just wasn't fun to attack into and was a slog most of the time. So what I've done is push A up in the map making it closer to B. I have also redesigned the hallway-hut leading from point to point, making it less cramped and allowing for more unique gameplay tactics to occur. I have also gone about changing the side entrances to them somewhat harder to spam but also easier to attack into. Lastly on this topic: Not many people knew you could get on the roof of the middle hut-hallway, this proved confusing to me because I thought it was obvious but it apparently wasn't and my job is just to remedy problems presented. So I have changed the middle roof texture to hopefully make people more aware of the nature of it.

Some people found the map confusing. I added more signs

I added more lights and the map is 30% brighter now

Known Issues
Due to the nature the maps logic you can currently as of A1 & A2 pretty much perpetually stall rounds by being the last one alive while not all the points are capped. Another issue is that when a feedback round activates a death-loop happens wherein players perpetually die because the server keeps insta respawning them and the logic is meant to prevent this thus killing them. Last known issue is that on this Alpha-2 version, some of the signs are broken ironically enough. I changed some brushwork into func_detail and forgot that when you do that the overlays break.

Final Thoughts
I do not believe that all these fixes will remedy all the problems with this map. All I am striving to achieve right now is chip away at the problem to I find something that resonates with the players and I feel like this update is a step in that direction.

If you want to help with this map in any way let me know! I'm trying to make this thing the best I can and I hope I can achieve that :]!!!! Gracias! Bye!