Stage 1:
Noted issues:
Balance - Sometimes it was too hard for blu to push and other times they would steamroll depending on red's early set up.
Pathing - It was very easy for blu to push from cp1 to cp2 given how short the distance is.
Pathing - Red had a hard time trying to set up right after cp1 was captured by blu.
Clipping - Clipping above blu's spawn was missing.
- sharpened sunspread angle (idk i like it sharper)
- reduced lightmap scale from 8 to 16 to attempt to fix out of memory/address space issue
- extended blu's spawnroom space forward
- added missing playerclip above blu's spawn
- added new route near blu's spawn
- editted blu's route to the roof section to cp1
- added new building to lengthen route time from cp1 to cp2 right after capturing
- slow-open door now starts opening 10s after cp1 is captured instead of 3
- added door which closes right after cp1 caps to prevent quick access to cp2
- added new routes from red's spawn to the upper areas near cp2
- added new sniper window overlooking cp2
- slightly reduced red's spawn timer penalty after cp1 is captured
- adjusted item pickups around stage
Stage 2:
Noted issues:
Balance - cp1 was often times captured right away, red was setting up too far forward from where point was
Clipping - Clipping above red's building was missing
- extended blu's spawnroom space forward
- added new shortcut exit for blu in stage 2 after capturing first cp
- added new areaportals
- widened doorway into cp1 from red's side
- add additional areaportals for optimization
- detailing