
koth_voltov A4

This update brings:
*remade the back flank to be more interesting
*Clipped off the structures above the cliff beside the point
*Stopped players being able to stand atop the cliffs at mid
*Centred the spawn door so players will go along the lower exit more
*Added some short boards so you don't need to crouch jump onto the train platforms
*And some other things I probably forgot

As always, all and any feedback is greatly appreciated!
This update brings:
*Added a new transition building between spawn's courtyard and the point's building to make the map a bit longer longer
*Extended mid a bit, to give more space
*Raised the roof of mid's building
*Edited the side buildings for scouts to make it nicer to move around
*Fixed snipers sitting on the sides of cliffs
*Moved the dump truck near mid
*Extended the stairs next to mid, so it is less cramped
*Moved the tunnel's location and raised their roof
*Added some cliff guards to stop airblasting being so strong
As always, all and any feedback is greatly appreciated!
This update brings:
*Moved a spawn exit up to the raised train platform
*Added a dropdown into the train tunnel area, just in case
*Added more space to move around just out of spawn
*Moved the health and ammo out of spawn down to the flatcar area
*Added a small structure on the side of structures to help scout + soldier get to the point, and to block long sightlines between the train areas
*Moved some doorways to close off another sightline
*Added some cover on the point's upper flank to help attackers slightly
*And some more stuff I probably forgot

As always, all and any feedback is greatly appreciated!
This update brings:
*Added cover in the point
*Raised some building and made the cliffs higher