
koth_towerofbabel b8

  • Deleted all ambient generics
  • Deleted all custom assets
  • Fixed some brushes
  • Deleted Monoculus and the skeletons
  • Added underworld portals that open up every 2 minutes
  • Lit up the map a bit more
  • Fixed a few more visual bugs
  • Added hazard lines for the capture area and the tesla coils
  • Changed the 3d skybox
  • Toned down the fog
  • Lowered the ammounts of times monoculus can spawn, he now only appears the first time each team caps the point (twice)
  • Shortened the area of the underworld and continued the art pass (the pick ups are not in their final location)
  • Fixed some visual bugs.
  • Altered/deleted some props.
  • Temporarily* disabled the credits room, as most of the assets credited there are no longer used.


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  • Re-Art passed the map.
  • Changed the soundscapes.
  • Underworld section of the map is under construction.
  • Changed the respawn timer to make you wait less time after being fragged.
  • Expanded the capture area.
  • The bricks on the control point no longer have colission.


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Changed a lotta things, mostly on the optimization side, now the map weights a LOT less, and should play ever so slightly a bit smoother (and should not crash a server, again)
Some remarkable changes:
  • Completely removed the music from the map, wich was the reason that crashed the server (Updated the credits accordingly)
  • You can no longer jump out of the playing from the sides of the map, its now sealed byt skybox (You can now only drop to your death from spawn) this is the reason why the map weights less, because now there isnt as much of unnecessary air space.
There are still some visual bugs, but they shouldnt affect gameplay.
-Re-added the music
-Added a 3D skybox
-Lowered the resolution on some unreasonably high-res textures
-Clipped the coffin props to avoid players getting stuck
-Patched triangular-shaped holes on the main building
-Added more overlays/decals
-Updated the credits
-Added a sign on each spawn that tells the player vey clearly that yes, its a map from DOOM
-Made the fog less dense
-Deleted 2 unnecessary ambient_generics
Holy ravioli i didnt optimize V1 at all, like really at all, dont play V1 in multiplayer, it will go really badly.
It went from Version 1 to Beta 1, yeah i know its strange but a lotta changes will be temporary, and im still not done optimizing the map (I hope)
Main changes:
  • 3d Skybox was removed (Temporarily)
  • Music has been removed (Temporarily)
  • Added Area portals on spawn
  • Added hints
  • Most props have a set render distance
  • The Fog is more dense
Hopefully this wont make everyones computer to get stuck because the whole map is rendering at once.
Some issues with this version:
  • Visibility issues with some props (Mostly those who have the skybox behind them)
  • Standing on the roof of the main structure will cause most of the playable area to be rendered (I still dont find the way to stop this from happening, but im trying to find a way to fix this in the next beta)