rc5 changelog:

- fixed lightning hitching
- softened lightning effects
- fixed announcer not counting down the point unlocking
- detail improvements
-- improved large flat sections of chickenwire
-- boathouse looks a bit better
- clipping fixes
- more lore
rc4 changelog:

- removed some clutter in RED connector
- crit pumpkin spawns have been moved to greater benefit players away from the point area
- further attempts at squeezing as many frames as possible from lakeside area
-- more aggressive popout distances on foliage in blu battlements
-- further hinting to cut up large visleaves around mid
- fixed a part of the dispenser pumpkin explode particle spawning at map origin
- small clipping adjustments
- small detail adjustments
- added gargoyle spawn locations

RC3 changelog:

- manor roof balustrades have cheaper and more aggressive LODs
- attempts to further increase lakeside area framerate
- added HUD icons that briefly appear on capture that display what event is spawning
- added missing clips to blu lobby stairs banisters that are extant on red side
- added clips to sewer stairs banisters on both sides
- added clips to small props in high-traffic areas
- small detail adjustments
- fixed model culling issue with 3d skybox when looking away from one of the corners
rc2 changelog:

- dispenser pumpkin now has bespoke gibs
- fixed weird lighting on corner walls in red upper lobby
- fixed weird cubemap on gameplay sign above door between red battlements and mid
- fixed BLU spawn exit door clipping through the ceiling
- perf
-- kill what you love most
-- i am in great pain
-- hghjfdcx gbf ghh ghdf ;
- motivational material
- brightened blu lobby
- brightened pier
- clipping improvements (ty lofi!)


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guess which dipstick forgot to copy the bsp from their tf/maps to their project folder
RC1 changelog:

- even more perf
-- battlements windows fade closer
-- fixed culling issue at damside and mid
-- extra hinting around connectors
- added missing lighting cue for blu battlements stairs
- adjusted clips (ty maid!)
- blockbullets'd gap above divider in blu battlements that isn't present on red side
- fixed dispenser pumpkin in red lobby clipping into the rug
- adjusted welcome spec cam
- disabled and obscured some skybox geo
- funky water dogs are quieter
- pumpkin dispensers have a proper model and no longer use a placeholder
- pumpkin dispensers have a unique break sound
- balanced audio on pumpkin dispenser break, tesla warmup, tesla zap sfx
- balanced audio in soundscapes
- finally got the grandfather clock sound working
- adjusted water fog tint
- adjusted greenhouse selfillum glass mask
B3 changelog:
- More Perf
-- areaportalwindow fades are far more aggressive
-- split up large oob areas
-- cleaned up an errant viscluster
- added stuck prevention measures to map events
- changes to the pumpkin dispenser
-- bumped up health to 150 (same as a level 1 dispenser)
-- does a flat heal on detonate, as well as some extra (over)healing over time if you stick around for a moment
-- particles!
- put the green in greenhouse
- fixed culling errors with greenhouse roof
- arbitrary gameplay barriers are more thematically appropriate
- tesla zappy
- sorry these notes are getting more shitposty as they go on i despise this tone of changelog too im just really tired ok
- banch
B2 changelog:
- perf? hopefully? maybe
- soundscapes!
- fixed texture misalignments
- clipping fixes
- solved packing issue with flowers
- a bunch of other small tweaks i deleted from the to-do list as they were completed and forgot about
- damn i really did have hammer open for thirteen hours today huh
- goodnight it's 3am