Ok so I tested this myself with some bots, and I actually have some criticism for myself. I thought I'd make an update and share.
1. The bot AI doesn't know to avoid the haunted sludge so they just walk in it. That I think is fine because they wouldn't know to avoid it.
2. I noticed the bots don't know to climb up the stairs to the point. I suppose I could try and fix that, but they're programmed to take the closest route to the point, and I think that's fine.
3. I still think the underworld still takes a long time to navigate.
4. It was too easy for the bots to try and kill eachother. As each team's spawn more closer than they really should be. I thought of this from the very beginning, but I think I assumed I would either fix it, or that it wouldn't be a problem since the actual spawn rooms are further in. I think that in a game with real players it'd be too easy to attack the enemy spawn.
5. I didn't quite test engineer shenanigans around spawns. I did notice that because I didn't put a func_respawn_room low to the ground enough in red spawn that teleporters could be built inside red spawn. I noticed this while playing with the bots. Speaking of spawn rooms, I didn't exactly think about the fact of having resupply cabinets with a team parameter set to "any" in spawns.
6. Because of where I placed the exits for the underworld. (The coffins on the giant tree stumps), I realized it could be possible to easily spawncamp the enemy team, as you get uber, critz, and a speed boost, and you just so happen to be really close to the enemy spawn.
7. Among the few other errors previously mentioned, (including the one about the error I had to quickly update and fix). I've noticed a couple other things wrong. So I'll have to fix those too.
I will say that I'm a little disappointed. I guess that's part of the map making process. I think for future versions I should try and fix some of these.
I'm thinking about getting some suggestions to help fix stuff. I might still go through with testing to help problem solve as well.