
koth_crumble b12

This is the friends we made along the way
[insert all the things I changed here]
-added metal sheets to block a sightline near mid.

-made right side of mid riskier but more rewarding to be on. Not only to hopefully make players choices matter more but to also spread out fights.

-added computer terminal to right route because computer terminals are pretty cool.

-made it a lovely breakfast

-made changes to 3d sky box

-added an out of bounds hallway and server room on red's side

-generally added more details to right route

-made general visual and lighting improvements

-widened doorways + added more lights and signs to improve flow

-added wall to mid to make recapturing the point easier

-removed crate in mid
I honestly forgot what I did lol
-textured a bit of the map
-added a skybox
-added more clip brushes
-changed lighting in bottom flank route
-changed name from cornfieldcaves to crumble
-added fog
-gave it a kiss on the forehead and tucked it into bed
-added rocket on blu's side near mid
-finished adding fences near both teams spawn

-Now in Beta!
I don't even remember what I did but I did change things.
-Change a little bit of the layout to make the map feel more interesting
-added door frames because why not
-widened stairs near point to make mid feel less cramped
-lowered and shrunk the platforms near mid to ALSO make mid feel less cramped
-added some pipes because pipes are cool
I added two platforms close to the point, hopefully this should make it easier to attack the point.