I changed 2 things

- You no longer have access to the top part of the pyramid from the outside

- I added back the wall

I did this because people keep using the top routes, so now I want to see how gameplay is when I force people down to where the point is
- Fixed the huge shadow that was on blue's side
- Added some death pits
- Changed the full health kits to medium ones
- Put some full health kits on top of the death pits
- Removed that giant wall
A lot was added this update!

The map size got bigger, sporting a whole new building for both blue and red team! The buildings have:

- A Roof, which is playerclipped above
- A second floor, which has an upper route as well as 2 sniper slits
- A lower floor, which has 3 routes

I've also changed a few things, so see for yourself!
- Made the walls in front of spawn taller so you can't shoot from one spawn to the other
- Removed the health and ammo packs that were in the upper floor
- Added small health and ammo packs near the ramps on the bottom floor
- Removed the ramps that leaded to point when coming out of the underground area
- Added 2 walls where the ramps were that go from the floor to the ceiling
- Added some ground by the ramp for the side buildings so you don't get stuck on the side
Fixing the problem where the download file is the wrong map
It seems that I uploaded the wrong map, so this is going to change it to the right one
- Changed the size of the block in front of spawn
- Changed the full health and ammo packs that were in the underground flank routes back into medium ones
- Made the walls of the buildings on the sides higher
- Added roofs to the side buildings
- Made it so you can't go from one side to the other over the top
- Moved spawn points around a little

- Put arrows pointing to the underground area
- Increased spawn's size
- Changed some medium healthpacks and ammopacks to full ones
- Moved those healthpacks and ammopacks a little