(Koth) Metropolitann

(Koth) Metropolitann B4

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(Koth) Metropolitann B4

A simple city square with a central point in a central building.

A central building housing a control point in its central courtyard, surrounded by streets with busses occasionally driving by.

No custom content included, the previous version accidentally had custom content that was not packed with the map that I have since replaced.
Pink Shirt Man
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

Latest updates

  1. Layout Changes, Textures, and more!

    I have gone through and made the following major changes: Removed a majority of dev textures, some still remain. Extended out tunnels to offer less space for Snipers to stand in. Made the busses come out of the tunnels on random sides to make...
  2. More Textures, More Tuning

    As the title says, given certain areas more distinct textures, I'm trying to phase out all dev textures. I also made some minor geometry changes but largely the layout is the same.