Ice Base

72hr Jam 2024 Ice Base A3 - Super Science Stuff

Changed the point layout for the bottom point (Point B) to be more in line with the theme that I am aiming for.
Did a complete rework to the top point (Point A) to better use the space and offer better gameplay.

Fixed (hopefully) the issue with the round-winning situations.
Before the game was listening only for the "1 second remaining" output from the koth timers (used for, among a lot of reasons, to prevent constant overtime). Since timers could skip a second, there was a chance that the timers went from 2 -> 1, thus skipping the 1-second notification altogether. Now the game is polling the time on each timer on its own.

Fixed blue's jumpad taking longer to recharge than reds (both are now at red's time of 1.5 seconds)
Jumpad's trigger and lead-up clipping has been adjusted to be easier to hit and launch.

Medium ammo kits inside the little out cove on point B have been demoted to small ones
Fixed issue with the snow props having no texture to them (IDK what happened, but adding the whole prop_snow folder seems to fix it)
Modified game logic to be a proper 2koth map, where owning both points reduces the timer appropriately. Note, there are bugs in terms of when a winner is called but I call it good enough for testing.
Jump pad cool down reduced to 1.5 seconds (was 3 seconds)
The large health and medium ammo heading to point B were removed and replaced with medium health and ammo in a new alcove further
Moved the medium health and ammo at the top of the spiral to be together and have a more dangerous position to grab them
Moved the health and ammo kit in the connector to the spawn areas into a different position that is better suited given the new locations of health and ammo in the map
Replaced the train boxes by point A with small health and ammo kits
Removed small health and ammo kits by the rocks on point A and replaced them with a platforming box combo
Replaced the single box prop jump on point B with a bigger pile of pipes
The jump pad has had its stun duration increased to match the length of the jump
The side path into the main building has been changed into an outdoor area
Probably a few other changes that I forgot about