Hot and cold Seacat08 (Cabin fever)

Hot and cold Seacat08 (Cabin fever) Final2a

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Hot and cold Seacat08 (Cabin fever) Final2a

Take a trip to the cabin.

Cabin Fever

My entry for Hot and cold



You find yourself stranded in the woods during a nasty snowstorm. You feel cold and hungry. With what seems like trees for miles you stumble around looking for civilization of some kind. You lose track of the time as you wander around until you reach a cabin. It has a generator and food. Jackpot! You'll take refuge in here until the storm subsides. unbeknownst to you, This cabin holds a secret.


The Contest​

My entry for the Hot and cold detailing contest
It takes place in a cabin in the woods that resides next to a pond.
It's based off my real life cabin but with a few alterations to fit the TF2 style and gameplay.
It also features interactable objects. Shoot at sparks to interact.

Start date: 07/15/2023
End date: 07/21/2023

I chose to do Hot and cold.

I had a lot of fun making this and I'll probably make more detail maps in the future.

Assets used


Diva Dan's ice pack


Zeus' texture pack


Voids log texture


KrazyZarks snow covered prop pack


And of course some of the assets were created by me :)


Thanks for reading and enjoy the map!!!
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Final2a

    Fixed a couple broken info_lighting entity's and some ambient generics sharing the same name when they won't supposed too
  2. The other half

    I added the underground half of the map. Took another week to make it.