Reverted all the changed made in a6 back to a5 since none of it worked. (almost)

Opened up the side flank for blue.

Increased respawnwavetime for the forward blue spawn from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.

Added crates around the point and some other places for more cover.

Replaced a skybox brush above the second choke with playerclip brush

One of red team's spawn door is now on a highground. This should alleviate spawncamping
Opened up the side flank next to the first point to blue team
Moved the side flank to further penetrate red territory
Added a medium health and ammo in the side flank of the first point
Removed the medium health pack that was under the bridge
Increased the red spawn room
Capping the first point now increases red respawn time to 10 seconds (from 9 seconds)
Added a side area in the river flank for blue engineers to build their teleporters if they want. (also for providing cover for blue team in general)

I had to guess with these changes because there were no constructive feedback for a5. Please make sure you at least try to give constructive feedback during the playtest session.
Increased cap time for the second point from 12 seconds to 15 seconds.
Added a window for red team to use to defend the first point.
Added a nobuild on top of the building in front of the blue spawn.
Created a path for the river in front of blue spawn. It is now connected to the first point's river section.
Added a cover in front of blue spawn to block long sightlines into the river area.
Blocked one of three entrance to the room which is next to the market flank.
Removed an ammo pack from the market flank.
Added a nobuild on the roof of the building next to the entrance of the room which is next to the market flank.





Changed the lighting to improve visibility.

added a set of health and ammo around the first control point for red team

moved the healthpack close to blue spawn a bit so that it's next to the ammo.

widened the bridge.
Here are some new screenshots


Loads of changes.
Red spawn's forward gate removed.
Added a chokepoint
Blocked off the river that was connecting the first point and the second point
Created a route that connects the choke and the river.
Added some covers around the map.
Extended the red's ledge next to their spawn
Placed a wall next to the 'market' flank. The wall has two windows.
Moved the health and ammo that was inside the building to outside.

And more that is hard to describe here.
Between the first point and the blue spawn, I added some height variations to improve the gameplay. blue will also be able to control the area more easily.
I adjusted bunch of health and ammo pack size. I have no idea what was going through my head when I placed those medium health pack everywhere.

Slight layout change to the 'entrance' for the market. Now it should be more accessible by blue team.

Added paint patch overlays under all health and ammo. This should have been done long time ago.

Still waiting for that first playtest. Gonna be interesting to either prove myself right or prove myself to be a big noob.
there were some offgrid brushes so I fixed those