
Hardwood rc4

Cutting my losses and releasing as-is with pre-x5 last. This contains some patch notes from rc3, x4, and x5 too.
- Reduced time on cap for B by 30 seconds as it's an easy cap, max cap time from 7 minutes to 5:45
- Various rendering fixes
- Now contains a nav file for bot usage
- Various clipping fixes
- Adjusted signage and lighting
- Flipped stairs to highground on B
- Adjusted some prop and areaportal fade distances
- Adjusted fog and direct/ambient env lighting
- Improved skybox treecards behind blue spawn (1st)
- Added some no-entry signs on doors

-Significant routing updates for blu on C, just want to see how this plays. If it doesn't work out, I will return to rc4 (unreleased) and push as is.
-Minor clipping fixes
-Minor update to B

Known issues:
- fence on A will partially pop out at certain angles (can't figure out why yet)
- skybox water still broken
- broke skybox tree positions


While blue won 2/3 rounds on a3a, the points were held much better. I am continuing with experimental builds to see if this trend is sticking now that red has better resources but an easy A
- Brightened ambient
- Fixed skybox water hopefully
- Fixed some clipping issues
- Minor detailing fixes
- Hid cap-A doors to see if anything actually changes; previously it was to stop blue from getting all the way behind red on A, but routing has changed since then

Sorry sono, no climbable ladders in playspaces yet
-Reopened lower route on A
-Improved amount of health for defenders on all points
-Increased amount of ammo around map to help spies and engineers
-Numerous small clipping adjustments
-Brightened up blue 1st spawn
-No entry signs on blu 1st forward
-Env light slightly more orange
-Raised roof at B such that it doesn't look like you can jump on it
-Clipping above shack and rock to the side of B (deathpit) has been removed for funny engineer strategies
-A few more occluders to hopefully help blu first spawn perf
Throwing defenders a bone, points aren't holding nearly as much as I'd like. Hopefully not too late into the dev cycle for this, I've just been disliking the high (~70% blu winrate) that's developed as people have learnt the map more and as I've slowly tuned down pickups for defenders:

- Blocked off main entrance to the lower route for blu A, they can still enter by going around the point but hopefully this gives defenders a nice boost without constantly being flanked and stopped from falling back
- Added a little health on upper B hold
- Moved packs from the forklift to the right side room (red view) for the rear B hold, as red players seem to enjoy holding back there a lot yet there wasn't much nearby to work with
- Added some extra ammo/health for C defenders on both left and right holds
- Added cover on the left red hold, this also forces attackers to come closer to the point (and into sentry range) so they can't just outrange the right hold for free

- Clipping fixes
- Signage pass across the whole map

I'm considering adding a second spawn exit for blu's 3rd forward - will have to see if the spawn gets camped more.
Experimental update so won't be on the workshop until rc4 potentially
Small fixes update
-fixed dodgy areaportals at C
-rendering fixes
-skybox updates
-minor clipping and nobuild updates
-a little more health on C point

I think that's everything, no significant changes - just tidying up for may 1st
RC1b - workshop release version.
Lighting errors and some other minor issues fixed, and updated menu photos.
Fixed a big rendering issue, added menu photos, updated some detailing, and fixed up areaportals.
Release candidate. One test on tf2m servers to check performance then I will either upload this or rc1a to the workshop.

- (hopefully) improved performance,
- fixed some render bugs, some do remain though
- 15 more seconds on map start and on A cap (for +30 seconds total)
- roof tiles on A for better jumping
- raised height of some roofing
- improved lighting and detailing around C
- reduced length of ramp flank room at C
- numerous detailing adjustments
- numerous small bug and clipping fixes

Thank you to each and every person who's taken the time to leave feedback over the past 3 or so years for this map.


  • cp_hardwood_b50007.png
    1.5 MB · Views: 84
Accidentally changed OnTrigger to OnUser4 for blu spawns moving to C..blu spawns have been fucked for both b5a tests without me realising unfortunately.
This update fixes that, everything else will come for rc1 once a friend finishes work on vis optimisation.