Future Cop: Precinct Assault [Vscript]

Future Cop: Precinct Assault [Vscript] 2025-02-11


Gameplay & Balance Improvements

  • Path-Track Cleanup
    Dynamically created Path_Tracks are now properly deleted alongside the Tank they belong to
  • Outpost Capture Requirements
    Reduced the required number of players needed for Outpost Capture
  • Drone Targeting Behavior
    Drones will no longer target or chase entities outside their designated territory
New Features & Systems

  • Drone Mechanics
    • Updated the hull and collision hitbox of drones for easier hitting.
  • Player Mobility Enhancements
    • Increased movement speeds for the following classes:
      • Pyro: +8%
      • Heavy: +13%
      • Medic: +10%
      • Spy: +8%
  • Capture Platform Reminder
    • Added an in-game reminder on Capture Platforms at Outposts when players lack sufficient points.

Gameplay & Balance Adjustments

  • Heavy AP Ammo
    • Reduced the fire rate penalty for Heavy AP Ammo to enhance its usability.
  • Tank Fire Rate Upgrades
    • Aligned Normal Tanks' fire rate upgrade system with that of Super Tanks:
      • Fire Rate Cap: Reduced from 80% to 50%
      • Fire Rate Increment: Reduced from 20% to 10%
      • Upgrade Cost: Reduced from 20 to 15
  • AP Ammo Damage Modifiers
    • AP Ammo now deals triple damage to Air Units and double damage to Turrets.
  • Tank Unit Pathing
    • Revamped the pathing setup by removing all static path tracks in favor of dynamically spawned ones.

Performance & Optimizations

  • Edict Optimization
    • Reduced edict count by 500!
  • Enemy Search Improvement
    • Upgraded the enemy search algorithm to a more performant variant, enhancing overall gameplay responsiveness.

UI/UX & Display

  • Upgrade Terminal HUD Enhancements
    • Added additional HUD information for Upgrade Terminals, ensuring clear visibility of available upgrade options and current stats.

New Features & Systems

  • Weapon Powerups
    • Introduced Special Ammo, a game-changing system where each class has unique attributes that significantly alter their playstyle.
    • Weapons equipped with Special Ammo feature unique particle effects and colors for clear visual distinction
    • Scout: Slug Rounds offer high range and knockback but with a slower firing rate.
    • Pyro: Napalm Rounds increase afterburn duration and damage while draining Medic charge on hit, but reduce base damage.
    • Heavy: AP Rounds pierce defenses and enemies with reduced spread and a slower firing rate.
    • Medic: Fire Charge deploys a ring of fire around the Medic and their healing target during Uber.
    • Spy: Life-Steal Rounds drain enemy health on hit, with reduced spread and a slightly slower firing rate.
  • Tank Upgrade Stations
    • Both teams can now enhance their Tanks and Dreadnoughts (Super Tanks) with additional Health, Damage, and Firing Speed.
    • Upgrade terminals are now placed on the map for access.
  • “Unstuck” Command
    • Added an option to free yourself if stuck: use !unstuck.
    • A distinct sound plays in chat to confirm usage.
  • Spy Turret Hijack Tutorial
    • Added and updated in-game instructions on how Spies can hijack turrets. Text display was raised to ensure visibility (previously obscured by % indicator).
  • Fully Reworked Drone Behavior
    • Drones now behave more like Superdrones, with updated pathfinding and AI logic.

Gameplay & Balance Adjustments

  • Medic Mechanics
    • Architect Medics
      • Can now gain ÜberCharge by healing Turrets, Tanks, and Drones.
      • Base healing rate increased by 100%.
      • Can heal structures with the Crusader’s Crossbow.
      • Improved targeting logic for the healing beam, especially on turrets located at higher elevations.
      • A new sound now plays when healing NPCs with the Crusader's Crossbow.
      • ÜberCharge Effect on Base_boss Turrets: Relocated from the top of the turret down to the base for clarity.
    • Bulwark Medics
      • Overheal Build Rate: Bulwark Medic’s overheal penalty increased from 0.25 to 0.75.
  • Tanks & Turrets
    • Normal Tank speed increased by 40%, but base health slightly decreased.
    • Super Tank health slightly increased and Damage states now clearly reflect when they’re being healed.
    • Captured Turrets on Outposts no longer grant points when replaced by an Outpost purchase.
    • Neutral Turrets are now fully invulnerable (cannot be damaged).
    • Base Turrets now prioritize Tanks as their first target.
    • Tweaked Base Turret and Outpost Turret hit boxes for more accurate targeting
    • Re-worked all turrets and normal Tanks to dynamically spawn required combat entities when needed and clean up afterward, reducing edict usage significantly (144 for turrets, 120 for Tanks).
  • Scoring & Objective
    • Point reward from player kills increased from 2 to 3.
    • Super unit (e.g., Super Tank and Flying Fortress) death rewards increased from 5 to 10.
    • Outpost cost reverted to 30 points.
    • Round timer increased to 30 minutes.
    • Total team score now dictates the winner immediately when the match timer ends.
  • Spies & Disguises
    • Cloaked or disguised Spies cannot interact with terminals or neutral turrets.
    • Units ignore disguised Spies unless they were already actively targeting them.
    • Drones will no longer chase cloaked/disguised Spies.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Medic & Healing Systems
    • Resolved an issue with old healing numbers appearing on point_worldtext with Architect Medic.
    • Fixed issues where the healing beam would disconnect on base turrets or incorrectly position on NPCs.
    • Fixed issues with the healing sound of the Architect Medigun persisting on Round Restarts or respawn.
    • Healing text no longer stacks from multiple Architect Medics on the same target.
    • Addressed a rare bug where Mediguns could break when switching weapons rapidly, causing incorrect weapon swaps.
    • Resolved problems with the “ring of fire” effect when switching Mediguns back and forth.
    • Corrected healing particle effects and sounds for NPCs (and drones)
    • Stopped the fake building for Architect Medic from constantly triggering OnTakeDamage; fakebuildsetup now runs only once as intended
    • AP ammo on a Medic’s shield no longer only hits the Medic but now pierces and damages targets behind the shield as intended
  • Spy Turret Hijack

    • Fixed rare edge cases causing the Spy’s Tower Hijack ability to break.
    • Cloaking now properly resets the hijack process instead of merely pausing it
    • While hijacking, if the turret is destroyed, you no longer become stuck and unable to attack.
    • Hijack initiation sound now plays only once upon entering a zone, even if re-entered without a weapon switch.
  • UI/UX & Display

    • Adjusted ping cooldown text display to be higher on the screen (it was too low).
    • Fixed ping menu board typo (“ping penu”) and changed ping sound to something more subtle.
    • Clarified HUD point displays (e.g., Outpost costs, kill points).
    • Enhanced objective reminders on spawn with better game_text messages.
    • Added visualizers for Outposts to show relevant information clearly
    • Updated game_text and point_worldtext to prevent string leaks and caching issues that made them invisible
    • Adjusted the brightness of environment lighting to help distinguish Red vs. Blue teams more clearly
    • Fixed Purchase Text of the Superunit Announcer
  • Ping System

    • Fixed latency and performance issues.
    • Resolved a bug where activating ping with the Bulwark Shield could inadvertently trigger no_attack removal.
    • Extended the ping system to cover additional targets, including Bulwark shield usage.
  • Edict & Performance Optimizations

    • Further reduced edict counts by an additional 10, optimizing point_worldtext usage.
    • Reworked purchase terminal setup, improving performance and caching round entities properly.
    • Fixed unnecessary runtime overhead in turretthink.
    • Overhauled the NPC Projectile Prediction System to incorporate gravity, scaling accuracy by unit tier:
      • Tanks, Drones, and Neutral Turrets have normal prediction.
      • Superdrones have higher prediction.
      • Super Tanks have the most accurate prediction.
    • Improved NPC search algorithm by 475%, reducing lag in large-scale engagements.
  • Miscellaneous Fixes

    • tf_classlimit 0 now properly applied.
    • Players no longer get stuck in turrets; trigger_hurt duration and collision areas were adjusted.
    • Tanks pushing players into walls should be fully resolved.
    • Minor issues with pings not working on tank_bosses and drones fixed.
    • Players are less likely to die accidentally under descending elevators (smaller trigger_hurt zone).
    • Resolved badlocalorigin errors.
    • Addressed getteam error cases.
    • Entity cleanup on respawn has been improved.

  • Audio & Visual Updates

    • Added new impact effects and sounds for projectiles.
    • Replaced default rocket explosion particles with “cow mangler” styled explosions.
    • Tweaked explosion volumes (slightly increased) for better feedback.
    • Removed Tank explosion particle effect and sound (replaced by new turret/tank explosion system).
    • All turrets now have death effects with unique destruction sounds.
    • Introduced a new respawn particle effect for turrets
  • Map Updates​

    • Clipping in Both bases have been improved.

Refactored the Entire Code Base​

  • Updated Medic Quickguide visuals by removing Mipmaps for improved clarity and detail.

  • Optimized player dimensions, movement speed, and jump height to better align with map scaling. This adjustment may also mitigate issues related to players getting stuck when interacting with tanks.

  • Resolved a critical bug affecting turret respawn mechanics, which previously allowed for unintended damage to friendly turrets and edict overflow

  • Significantly improved turret movement by ensuring more accurate handling of collision boxes.

  • Updated player respawn mechanics: players will now reappear directly on the battlefield after selecting a class, instead of defaulting to the spawn room.

  • Conducted rebalancing of Drones and Turrets to enhance gameplay dynamics and allowing Tanks to outshine defense more when pushed

  • Introduced an alternative victory condition: Teams can now win by securing a higher point total before the expiration of the match timer.

  • Added an auditory cue to signal when the ping function is ready for use again.

  • Implemented a safeguard to prevent weapon discharge during the activation of the Ping feature.

  • Addressed a display issue with the game_text function, ensuring proper visibility and functionality.
Updated the Guide Walls to have no Mip Maps and tightened the Edict Cleaner for emergencies as well as added additional Text to the Hud Numbers indicating Points and Unit Counts
Fixed the Callstack Error that would appear on Line 801 due to an issue with Caller.

Improved Quick Guide Info Panels and added a Basic Guide to the very front for a short summary.

Fixed minor Issue with Spy's Hijacking not properly setting the Hijacked Turret's skin to the correct color.

Changed Map's naming scheme to be shorter