Future Cop: Precinct Assault [Vscript]

Future Cop: Precinct Assault [Vscript] V3.4

  • Updated Medic Quickguide visuals by removing Mipmaps for improved clarity and detail.

  • Optimized player dimensions, movement speed, and jump height to better align with map scaling. This adjustment may also mitigate issues related to players getting stuck when interacting with tanks.

  • Resolved a critical bug affecting turret respawn mechanics, which previously allowed for unintended damage to friendly turrets and edict overflow

  • Significantly improved turret movement by ensuring more accurate handling of collision boxes.

  • Updated player respawn mechanics: players will now reappear directly on the battlefield after selecting a class, instead of defaulting to the spawn room.

  • Conducted rebalancing of Drones and Turrets to enhance gameplay dynamics and allowing Tanks to outshine defense more when pushed

  • Introduced an alternative victory condition: Teams can now win by securing a higher point total before the expiration of the match timer.

  • Added an auditory cue to signal when the ping function is ready for use again.

  • Implemented a safeguard to prevent weapon discharge during the activation of the Ping feature.

  • Addressed a display issue with the game_text function, ensuring proper visibility and functionality.
Updated the Guide Walls to have no Mip Maps and tightened the Edict Cleaner for emergencies as well as added additional Text to the Hud Numbers indicating Points and Unit Counts
Fixed the Callstack Error that would appear on Line 801 due to an issue with Caller.

Improved Quick Guide Info Panels and added a Basic Guide to the very front for a short summary.

Fixed minor Issue with Spy's Hijacking not properly setting the Hijacked Turret's skin to the correct color.

Changed Map's naming scheme to be shorter