
Frostville a14

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Lem Mem
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. new cliffs and stuff

    First - Change building into cliff - Adjust flank Second - Adjusted some of the darker spots - Added new ramp up to upper // IDK why I removed this ramp it's nice. - Added another forward spawn Third - Adjusted resupply cabinet for Red's Third...
  2. wow thats a lot of changes

    - Remade everything before third // oops Third - Closed up a window // There was still a sightline into spawn. This window has no other purpose besides that so I'd say closing it up isn't a bad idea - Fixed the kill trigger in the spawn room
  3. Quality of Life changes

    The way I make maps, is that I need a lot of data on a problem before I want to fix it First - Adjusted fence and surrounding textures //I made this look like a barracade that red put up, idk how well that will translate tho - Made far right...