
Stallberg rc3

Despite a6 not having been tested I was personally not satisfied with the first point, the fictional scenarios playing out just were not looking great. So I touched it up a bit again.

That's all this version change brings.

fixed the cart get stuck on first + some minor changes to the layout given the test showed red didnt care about the highground

thats about it
After a decent chunk of feedback and fizzling around, I decided that the first point needs an entire new design. The current one just isn't bring in the results I want it to bring; It isn't fun, and it is the primal factor as to *why* the second point feels like such a huge slog - atleast that's what I personally believe. The hill part seems fine.

So, the first point is now entirely revamped alongside of the "entrance" to the second point.

Given it's entirely new, I expect it to be lightly problematic; we will see.

- First point has been entirely remade
- 3rd cap should now have slightly less right angles and feel less clunky
-fixed some sightlines
- made blu spawn a bit bigger + the left spawn exist should now lead to a highground making it less vulnerable to be camped
- various misc fixes including fixing the fucked playerclips
While the performance of the second point has greatly increased, I still found it to be problematic. It'd require a big big push of BLU to have success, a push so large you'd see it on last of payload maps.
RED would also constantly take control of a very central room, which would also make them able to get past BLU's eyes behind them.

Something similar happened on the BLU side of red's last: BLU was given a lot of options, so teams constantly scattered and RED is able to sneak by, given it's impossible for BLU to cover a lot of the flanks.

So what is the goal of this update? Centralizing team control and once again making second less of a slog.

What was done? Both Second and Last now have The Room(tm) - a room that BLU should have under control and a room which will give them access to all relevant ways to attack. For all I know this fired back hard and made the issue of RED controlling it even worse, but I'd hope not!

- the building in the middle now has it's backwards door closed; This means RED no longer has easy access to the room. The room also now has a dropdown which opens after the first point has been capped to allow BLU to quickly shift gears to the objective when needed + access the lower flank. Outside of this, the room now leads to the "highground flank" of the first point. This should also encourage BLU more to actually use it!
-- So RED still has easy access to all their relevant positions, a staircase which will retract after the point has been capped has been added.
- Time gain has been shortened now that the general functionality of points have been proven
- fixed a few sightlines
- Closed tunnel entrance at last; can now be reached via the room which leads to the highground
- said room also has access to the dropdown area via a convenient plank
- deathpit at RED's last was replaced with a cliff, still has a roof over it though so you dont instantly fall into it
- various misc fixes such as HP/ammo reductions and playerclip fixes or a new window.
Making the second point good: Episode 3

- Adjusted respawn times
- enclosed a part of the flank from the one-way-door to make it harder to keep it covered in stickies as demoman from the highground/harder to camp it
- added a tunnel that goes behind the flank to the highground so blu can more effectively keep people from shitting up the freaking door
- added stripes around the one way door to prevent people from accidentally opening it, unleashing hell upon their landscape
- added lights which will light up once the doors can actually be opened.
- fixed a door clipping through the ceiling at last when opened

I am still keeping a very very steady eye on the difficulty and times it takes to cap the first point and the rest of the map, however my top priority is trying to make the second point good
After the last imp the impression was relatively solid that second was kind of a mess and too RED favored.
This update aims to fix the issue by not only making the previous *low ground* flank which:
- mostly benefited red due to them being able to simply jump down
- left BLU in a vulnerable position given its a lowground
into a *high ground* flank, but also introduces an entirely new flank to get to the highground of the second point.
Alongside of this various misc fixes were introduced such as setting the RED spawn back a little bit.
Hopefully, the second point will now be a lot more engaging and balanced!
Broad changelog:
- Reworked first a bit by not only having there be more distance between the spawn and the first point, but the entire choke is now different.
- Gave B an option for highground to make it feel less like a slog
- various misc fixes