
Medieval Fopdoodle Alpha 1B - Minorish Chango

Sounds like a spell, but it really ain't
  • Added a message in chat at the end of the round displaying the amount of money each team has
  • The rooftops of the arches by the spawn rooms have had their colors changed to match other rooftops which can be walked over
  • Moved the markings for the final points to be more accurate of the actual size of the capture zone\

  • Fixed bug which prevented red from defending their final point from capture
  • Fixed the shape of the fences in the final courtyards in order to better fit their clip brushes
  • Reduced the base amount of money gained per kill (was 100, now is 50)
  • Removed all pumpkin bombs (granted they never spawned in, but trust me they are gone)
  • Removed the armor piercing upgrade from spy's knife as it has no function in this game mode
  • Removed collision from the chandlers