Just fixing up some sight lines with a slightly changed mid approach

Also big thanks to Smig for a lot of suggestions for mid stuff

a5 > a6


-Sealed small hole in fallen tower out of map
-This is an undocumented change from a4>a5​
-Extended rock to stop inner cliff to building sight line
-Added small ledge ramp to get to cliff from mid for all classes
-Tapered off cliff extension to give more room for movement below
-Slightly changed front door approach for cap to accommodate bigger rock
-Added some cover to front door approach
-Removed smaller box on cap that allowed all classes to stand on large crate
-Scaffolding slightly adjusted to make it easier move to pit area
-Ramp onto scaffolding moved to make access more intuitive
-Turned underside of scaffolding into a more secure hidey hold, just don't let soldier or demos crash the party
-Changed a rock prop
-BlockBullets added to sheet metal lips to hopefully prevent milk/jarate from exploding and not coating players right next to it

1st Building:

-Opened up another window

2nd Building:

-Sealed a random window on the ramp to walkway


-Added some ground below the death plane to make it a little more pretty

Next update I might plan on moving spawns forward to compensate for the map's wideness, I am aware of this slight scaling issue
The goal of this update was to fix some of the wonky height differences and completely rework the cave

a4 > a5:


-Changed window textures
-Extended building through cliff
-So, the whole thing with my map is a building destroyed by an earthquake, but mid wasn't really damaged enough for my taste, so I made the building extend through the cliff and have big holes where the walls there should be, it should not change gameplay excessively​
-Capture zone markings added
-Scaffolding slightly reworked
-Health pack in dropdown changed to small heal


-Old lower cave sealed, new cave added, accessible via side ramp and lower area
-Hard to describe all the changes so seeing is believing​
-Also has an opening into 2nd building

2nd Building:

-Opening added to drop down room into new cave
-Some windows removed
-Changed window textures

1st Building:

-Made doorway into building a little more obvious

-Soundscapes added
-Everything outside of mid has been moved up 96hmu, meaning that mid is a lot more flush with the pit area and sits more in a middle ground
-Lots of func_detail that I missed since last time
-Optimized skyboxes, note the smaller packed bsp size
The goal of this update was to update the building just outside of mid to make it more appealing to use in general.

a3 > a4:


-Added a box to get on the bigger boxes on cap
-Shortened the ramp on the cliff side of cap, it can be walked up now
-Cliff faces removed, it is now a sheer drop
-Clipping on edges pushed to the extreme
-Health and ammo added next to fallen tower
-Made the wood scaffolding around mid a little thinner for more breathing room
-Updated some window textures


-Added central rock beam to hump to hopefully spice things up a bit
-Health removed

Building reworks:

-2nd floor fleshed out, now has windows with one being open and another exit being a dropdown further in
-2nd floor has a mid heal and full ammo
-Cave exit into shack closed
-Health and ammo pickup added to shack
-2nd exit added to shack
-Rock outside of shack made slightly bigger for better sightline interruption
-Both shutter doors removed from lower level
-The 2 doors in the 2nd building outside of spawn are still in, pending more feedback​
-Supporting pillar in 2nd building extended to wall
-Health and ammo moved away from it​
-Made it slightly harder to access the window from the crates


-Removed upper room, now just opens onto a small metal roof
-Front general area greatly shortened and cleaned up to make things better for jumpers
The goal of this update was to reduce how chokey the map was and give attackers some additional options to, well, attack.

a2 > a3:

Spawn rework:
-Low elevation removed, the spawn area now matches up with the upper area
-It really wasn't adding anything to the map on closer inspection and should make rollouts friendlier for everyone​
-Bigger upstairs area with extra ways to see potential attackers
-Ramps within spawn moved around to make it easier to get upstairs
-Trucks moved

Team area:
-Ramp angle reduced
-This should make rollouts easier for Soldiers and Demos​
-Walkway to window added to first building
-Distance between supports on walkway from first building to second increased
-Added a small rock ramp to allow all classes to get on fallen tower
-Added a ramp in second building to allow easier access to upper walkway
-Slightly reduced height of rock arch

Mid reworked (again):
-Mid point height reduced
-In hindsight, having your point be the highest standable point on the map really isn't a good idea, who knew?
-Quick note, the bump on the open part of point is intentional to give a little breathing room against pyros, will be removed if necessary.​
-Removed railing on battlements
-Made battlement wood slightly smaller
-Replaced barrel prop pyramid with rocky cover
-Stairs that lead to it are a single set on each side
-Cliff angles adjusted to ensure someone can't just hang out there
-Added a glass window to shack exit
-Scaffolding on cap sides adjusted
-Added rock cover to interrupt a sightline

-Adjusted some clipping near cliffs
-More optimization


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a1 > a2:

Reworked mid:
-Cap building and zone larger
-More geometry added outside
-Engineers were having a hard time with mid so this should hopefully help​
-New shack exit for cave
-No longer able to bypass mid with building flank
-Some props moved around
-Nasty sightline patched up with a prop on each side
-Still trying to figure out better ways to stop it but this will do for now​
-Full heal downgraded to mid heal
-Plank also made very slightly smaller​
-Small ammo upgraded to mid ammo
-Moved the plank it was on out a little bit​
-General lighting updates

Reworked spawns:
-4 exits, 2 on each floor
-Slightly reduced area size
-Blocked off truck tunnel
-Moved a truck

-Large roofs next to cap clipped off, this is a temporary change to see how it works out, if gameplay is improved with it gone it will stay gone.
-Note: Look at the roofs! I texture coded them so you will know what you can and can't stand on.​
-Added some NoBuilds to some shifty spots
-Added some clipping to some cliff spots to discourage being outside the fences
-Actually packed the damn thing this time, 11MB to 3MB LUL
-Some optimization and func_detail work