dust devil

dust devil a7b

-reduced respawn wave time for attackers
-little bit of detail
-ramps for fluid movement
-removed a bad sightline

I think the layout is coming into form. Feel like improving signage and ammo and health pickups. Maybe tweaking the wall area pit one last time but that's it.
-created accessible high ground overlooking the point and flank
-added connectors leading out of the pit
-edited health and ammo pack placement
-made third spawn exit more apparent
-light detailing
-changed map title
-raised spawnroom
-opened up and streamlined wall area
-edited health and ammopack placement
-fixed issues caused by clipping and skybox
-fixed a few asymmetries
-edited signage
-height and displacement micro adjustments
-changes in geometry around shutter
-few visual tweeks

over all been trying to make defenders slightly less vulnerable to rolls.
overall a lot of streamlining and reiterations of previous areas

-point adjustments, height no-build on catwalk above
-tweaked the route heading into the left side of the building
-put a death pit in place of a route going to a mostly useless building to the right of spawn (this is deep)
the pit runs out and under the first building outside spawn and serves to the divide two lanes inside up.
-one way windows
-fence adjustments around the shutter door slope, removing the incline roof to the left
-height adjustment on ledges

i think i found a good direction to take this map. I set aside the casual-dm-nature and started to focus more on how team fights would look in areas i thought were good in one v one scenarios. a valuable lesson i learned was that an area cannot be built just for the soul purpose of taking attention away from the main objective. Maybe I had something good going for an arena map but im not trying to make a good arena map.
-removed that side route leading to the wall from right building
-adjusted the routing inside first building from spawn
-visually touched up on some displacements
-the fence separating the pit and shutter door area was made see-through
-higher flank area next to the big wall is removed and repurposed for detailing, a simple corridor was placed around the wall instead
-team sided entrances to said flank removed and done over with basic detailing
-reshaped capture area to make it more smaller, added small cover
-slightly adjusted the 'fence building' to make it tougher for enemies to push into it
-adjusted skybox lighting to brighten up curtain areas
-spawnroom doors are made solid

finally got to see demos. Its only until watching them when i realized how problematic that flank was. It had super low traffic and it let people get away with doing a lot of dumb things such as nest building. It was funny to watch but it made players frustrated. Aside from that, the layout remains pretty much untouched. People seem to approve of the map and i am really appreciative of the positive comments. I got to get around to playing the map someday.
-redid flank area to the right of the point to make it more streamline
-raised the drop-off-roof leading towards the point
-item pickups moved
-reverted to initial cap area

no demos are being recorded for some reason and I am kind of being left in the dark with the these changes. big thanks to the guys giving feedback in the comments.
-adjusted cover around point to make pushing into mid more easier
-clipped off a few oppressive areas
-adjusted sight lines and moved some props
-fixed spawn room door sounds acting wonky
-adjusted skybox lighting