(Hopefully) fixed an issue where one texture would be missing.
  • Nice to see CompilePal actually worked (for the most part).
Expanded the height of the skybox:
  • Mainly done to have your rockets cut off so abruptly.
  • You can't reach the very top of the skybox, but the limit is a flat plane and no longer a slope.
Added extra area portals and hints to the top layer of the map:
  • You should get more fps on average, especially if you're on a lower-end device.
Made various areas of the map brighter:
  • Not too much of a game changer, but mainly done to prevent a few overlooked dark corners/spots.
Adjusted some spawn positions:
  • Mainly done to prevent people running into each other as much while moving around the map.
Added a spawn room in the rocket silo:
  • Mainly done to help people realize the room exists.
Added better guides as to where one of the jumppads up are:
  • From what I've seen while playing, people haven't really noticed a particular jumppad, so I've made it more noticeable with a sign.
Updated the rocket's textures:

Minor detailing changes:
Fixed an issue where lights, a grate, and a fan sound weren't packed into the map fully.

My b.
Fixed an issue where one texture wasn't packed.

I am so incredibly sorry for the update spam, I have to pack everything by hand and miss a couple things.
See title. There were a couple things missing.
Added a new rocket silo area.
  • There are two hallways connecting the silo to other rooms, those being in the Lightning Gun room, and the bottom Fan room.
  • It has two accessible stories, with the top story containing...
Added the Railgun.
  • It's about damn time. I just needed to find the right place for it.
  • Lights just outside of the silo are turned on and off depending on whether or not the Railgun is available for pickup.
Increased the height of the Lightning Gun room.
  • Done mainly to make it feel less cramped.
Added soundscapes to the map.
  • Primarily leaning on Half Life's iconic ambient sounds, the map is no longer deafeningly silent. Frag on to 90's sound design!
Reduced the loudness of the elevator sounds.
  • For some reason, I had it set to be heard from halfway across the map. That should be fixed now.

Adjusted the sunspread angle.

Other changes I probably forgot. (Mainly just minor clipping changes, prop swaps, and optimization changes.)
Actually fixed packing.
  • For some reason, CompilePal does not like my map and managed to compile it to the wrong directory. I don't know how. This was fixed by packing everything by hand.
Again, sorry for the update spam.
Optimized the map in various ways.
  • This includes using hint brushes, increasing the luxel scale in a troublesome spot, and adding area portals.
Applied a more efficient form of compression.
  • This just means that the initial download is smaller, now not even crossing10MB.
  • No, I don't know why it was more before. Yes, everything should be packed. If anything, it's overpacked.
A few other non noteworthy changes:
  • Small lighting adjustments, texture realignments, ect.
Sorry for the double ping, this is the last one for this.
See title and previous patch.