A bit of a smaller update, but here it is.

Added more spawnpoints in the downstairs portion of the map.
  • This was done mainly because a lot of people where either hastily leaving the area or not going down there at all, leading to people getting confused on where the top scoring player got the Railgun.
Brightened minor parts of the map.
  • Mainly done to improve visibility, once again.
Minor detailing improvements across the map.
  • Small capsules of hazardous material has been left out around the facility.
  • Security has been upgraded around the facility.
  • Billboards have been installed around the facility.
  • Certain walls have been painted a new color.
  • Other things I forgot or couldn't bother to mention.
(Hopefully) fixed an issue where one texture would be missing.
  • Nice to see CompilePal actually worked (for the most part).
Expanded the height of the skybox:
  • Mainly done to have your rockets cut off so abruptly.
  • You can't reach the very top of the skybox, but the limit is a flat plane and no longer a slope.
Added extra area portals and hints to the top layer of the map:
  • You should get more fps on average, especially if you're on a lower-end device.
Made various areas of the map brighter:
  • Not too much of a game changer, but mainly done to prevent a few overlooked dark corners/spots.
Adjusted some spawn positions:
  • Mainly done to prevent people running into each other as much while moving around the map.
Added a spawn room in the rocket silo:
  • Mainly done to help people realize the room exists.
Added better guides as to where one of the jumppads up are:
  • From what I've seen while playing, people haven't really noticed a particular jumppad, so I've made it more noticeable with a sign.
Updated the rocket's textures:

Minor detailing changes:
Fixed an issue where lights, a grate, and a fan sound weren't packed into the map fully.

My b.
Fixed an issue where one texture wasn't packed.

I am so incredibly sorry for the update spam, I have to pack everything by hand and miss a couple things.
See title. There were a couple things missing.
Added a new rocket silo area.
  • There are two hallways connecting the silo to other rooms, those being in the Lightning Gun room, and the bottom Fan room.
  • It has two accessible stories, with the top story containing...
Added the Railgun.
  • It's about damn time. I just needed to find the right place for it.
  • Lights just outside of the silo are turned on and off depending on whether or not the Railgun is available for pickup.
Increased the height of the Lightning Gun room.
  • Done mainly to make it feel less cramped.
Added soundscapes to the map.
  • Primarily leaning on Half Life's iconic ambient sounds, the map is no longer deafeningly silent. Frag on to 90's sound design!
Reduced the loudness of the elevator sounds.
  • For some reason, I had it set to be heard from halfway across the map. That should be fixed now.

Adjusted the sunspread angle.

Other changes I probably forgot. (Mainly just minor clipping changes, prop swaps, and optimization changes.)
Actually fixed packing.
  • For some reason, CompilePal does not like my map and managed to compile it to the wrong directory. I don't know how. This was fixed by packing everything by hand.
Again, sorry for the update spam.
Optimized the map in various ways.
  • This includes using hint brushes, increasing the luxel scale in a troublesome spot, and adding area portals.
Applied a more efficient form of compression.
  • This just means that the initial download is smaller, now not even crossing10MB.
  • No, I don't know why it was more before. Yes, everything should be packed. If anything, it's overpacked.
A few other non noteworthy changes:
  • Small lighting adjustments, texture realignments, ect.
Sorry for the double ping, this is the last one for this.