
dm_snarkpit a10a_fix1

Fixed an issue where the custom assets were packed, but would end up in the wrong directory.

Continued some Alpha detailing.

Adjusted some clipping in the Snark Pit staircase.
  • Updated the intro music to loop more convincingly.

That's the only thing that's different in this release, something I caught only after the last update.
Added more health to the dirt level.

Replaced the brush base of the elevator with a model.

Made the map brighter in various areas.
  • For those interested, the places were right next to the jumppad and adding a window in the elevator shaft.
Added an extra hallway up from the dirt.
  • This hallway is one I'm iffy on, let me know if it needs changing.
Added very basic detailing.
  • This includes adding the Snark Dispenser (minus the Snarks), and making the vent look like it goes on and on.
Made your Geiger Counter go off when walking near the radioactive sludge.

Fixed an issue where slipgate triggers would cause you to lose all speed.

Added custom music when you're waiting for players and mid round.
  • The music is a mix of the beta and retail version of Diabolical Adrenaline Guitar from Half Life.
Added 2 new ways to get out of the bottom dirt.
  • One is a platform and the other is a jump pad.
Added more health spots on the bottom dirt.
  • Let me know if there should be more down below.
Updated the staircase down to the Lightning Gun room to be a simple U turn.

Updated the hallway leading towards the fan room to be a spiral staircase.
  • The fan room's entrance has been adjusted to account for this.
Fixed an issue where the fan would not properly fling players into the vent.

Added the AK.

Added a hallway leading to a room containing a second rocket.
  • Let me know if this helps alleviate congestion in the adjacent hallway.
Replaced the first rocket's original placement with a crit powerup
  • It takes 2 minutes to initially spawn in and 2 minutes 30 seconds to spawn after that.
  • The rocket has been moved down into the Snark Pit.
Removed a hilariously long sightline.

Many thanks to fossil for giving such extensive feedback, it was greatly appreciated.
*Updated the scaling across the whole map:
I mean it, the whole map has been completely rebuilt to better fit Open Fortress, rather than being a port with some minor adjustments.​
*Updated the map layout (Outside of scaling):
Added more height variation in the titular Snark Pit (bottom level).​
Added another slipgate in the map, taking you from the Snark Pit to a hallway on the main floor.​
Added a primitive ammo room overlooking a deathmatch area.​
Added an extra hallway next the rocket courtyard.​
*Now supports 18 players:
This will increase. There are at least 1 extra area planned that would make this support 24, I just want to see how the remake's layout fairs.​
*Added the tenth class:
Find where he is and I'll owe yah a beer.​