
Dewpoint B5B


-More detailing by Waugh101
-Fixed clipping
-Better optimization
-Compiling with proper settings

-Unborked the map

Brand new artpass by Waugh101!

-Map received new detailing
-Raised the roof of ceilings
-Someone was complaining on the workshop that my grass looks bad, so I improved the grass and alpha blends. Also added foliage in the grass
-Added door frames and trims in doors on blue side
-Fixed a texture colliding with another texture
-Fixed a spooky floating window
-Fixed some prop being clipped in walls

-Entered beta!
-Detailing all over the map has (for the most part) been completed
-The map has been optimized for better performance
-Changed some small health packs to medium health packs

Feedback to improve detailing would be good, but, all feedback is still accepted.

-Detailed some of red side
-Widen some doorways
-Made some ramps less steep
-Added a medium ammo crate inside flank

Prepare for Beta...

-Raised the point to add more interesting combat
-Added a lower area under point with a medium health kit
-Added a new path from above the point towards point
New name, new paint! A14

-The map has been rethemed on the rolling hills of a grassy mountain
-Blu and Red spawn have been given a new exit out of spawn
-Traintrack above point has been decluttered, alongside the rest of the map
-Spawn to point has been reflowed to be less confusing, more intuitive and less "no man's land" like
-The underground mine below the point has been removed


  • koth_dewpoint_a14_thumbnail.jpg
    141.3 KB · Views: 469

-Detailed and reworked the underground area under the point
- Added extra door in the building near point
-Doors near point are no longer team locked
-Widened some doorways and windows