Demokart Badlands

Demokart Badlands A3b

  • Fixed cloaking not being removed when you pick up an item
  • Added voicelines when players use Engineer speed pads
  • Removed the glowing from the flags
  • Made the Lightning item particles be parented to the player
Didn't expect to see an update to this map? Me neither! I tried a lot of things in private (ranking system, off road, using actual bumper karts, changing more spells) but nothing really sticked until I discovered 'thanks to Leezo) that you could use flags as "proxy spells"

So I just went ahead and remade the entire item system with brand new custom items! And also a catch up mechanic where if your team is losing by 5 or more points, you get access to super items.

Also reworked the class balance and speed, since now damage should be more impactful. The map didn't change though, with all this work I didn't have the courage to remake the track
  • Added some props to block off-road
  • Increased the max score to 2 per player