=========== 1st Point ===========
Replaced Blu spawn doors with setup gates that can be seen through
Replaced tunnel on cliff with a building to fight over to give defenders more cover while defending point
Added roof to outside "garage" area that used to have the truck
Removed truck
Made new garage roof unbuildable but can be walked on
=========== 2nd Point ===========
Added in small bits of highground in the outside area
Changed drop down to be even lower ground with less cover and protection
Changed attacker balcony to be a one way door, and forcing them to drop down in one specific area
Changed point to no longer be a bridge but now a sort of spire
Cap zone now extends to ground to promote two layers of fighting
Added new highground for defenders with max ammo kit to promote a more centralised hold
Added a medium health and ammo kit near point on low ground in a small alcove to promote pushing
=========== General ===========
Shortened respawn timers considerably