
Cuisine a19

Changes from a18:
- Added hazardstrip tape to where the boundaries that change spawn times are.
- Made it so if the round ends and a team is in the lead scores-wise the round skips overtime. Overtime now only happens if team scores are equal.
Changes from a14:
- Top route to bypass choke / mid sightlines. Has small healthpack.
- Minor changes to sightlines from low sewer entrance to cap area.
- Started theming the map with textures, probably 80% done that, detailing overall like 20% done!

Relevant video from the dev series:
Changes from a7:
- reduced defender respawn time by 3 seconds (when jack is near your base).
- made the 'jack is near your base' trigger's position less arbitrary, now is on top of geometry.
- added a sound cue when the jack exits / enters your base - affects your respawn time.
- added a route from capturepoint to the high route that also blocks a sniper sightline to the spawn door.
- nerfed high sniper position on mid, also nerfed a sentrygun spot near the chokepoint.
- added minor detail.

Relevant video from the dev series:
Current stable version. Needs more testing.

Changes from a3:
- dramatically increased respawn times when ball was in your zone. new times are 6 for attackers, 12 for defenders.
- ball always has an outline now. it's a bit buggy but it's the best I could come up with at the moment.
- everyone will respawn when the ball is capped instead of just the people who had capped.
- opened a window at mid to let players who went high for first fight interact with objective quicker.
- made that one route near side of spawn get a grate wall instead of a solid wall to make it more visible.
- fixed a bug where players could throw the ball out of the capture zone just as they captured the point to negate the capture.
- added 5 seconds to respawn delay to help teams both get to mid easier.