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ctf_2fort_mesa a3

expanded 2fort map

This is my very first map, tried blocking out 2fort to be like a base built into the side of a canyon or mesa, complete with helipads as intel rooms and an expanded central area, also included is a totally reworked second spawn area and a third route to intel. also MORE SEWERS! >:D

credits to Valve for 2fort and to the team behind the frontline supply drop! you guys are awesome!
First release
Last update
Capture The Flag

Latest updates

  1. alpha 3

    Much improved over the disastrous alpha 2. new sewer area. battlements no longer connect together. second spawn has two doors and the pathway there no longer goes to intel. reworked intel area with more varied (recognisable) and much less cramped...
  2. alpha 2

    simplified layout, less windy corridors, certain areas larger with more opportunity for fights to be more varied. removed extra stairs in sewers. upper mid now connects to upper catwalks instead of deeper in bases. widened multiple corridors...