Thanks to Average Tiddy Goth GF for a bunch of feedback, which this newest update has used a lot of!

Here are the changes:

-Properly clipped the big A wall.

-You can no longer cap from behind the big A wall.

-Added a bunch of walls and props to block sightlines from the upper areas near B to block sightlines to the RED spawn doors. (It looks a bit weird and confusing right now but it should be ok.)

-A few more staircases can be crawled under.

-Rotated some planks

-Moved a healthkit and ammopack to a new wall at an upper area near B.
There is now a BIG DOOR!

Here are the changes:

-Added a BIG DOOR behind A, blocking the wide entrance until A is captured.
-Added a healthkit behind some boxes near A.
-Added a new path to get around the BIG DOOR at A.
A decently sized update this time around! (Though you wouldn't know that from the change notes).

Here are the changes:

-Removed areaportals on doors because they were quite buggy
-Added some containers to the center area to block sightlines and make the area more interesting
-Added some more boxes by a staircase near A
Some relatively small but nice changes, I guess. :D

Here are the changes:

-Added an ammopack to the RED building in front of BLU to encourage people to go near the window.
-Lowered the capture zone of both capture zones.
-Added areportals to spawn doors.. (Hopefully they work!)
-Removed clipping on the metal wall next to B.
-When B is being captured, the announcer now sounds more urgent.

That's it. Actually.
not much :/


-Added glass to the window in the RED building in front of BLU spawn
-Made the pillars for the small platform of that building 32x32 units
-Added a sign to the out of bounds room in BLU spawn
-Added a clip to the metal wall

(btw I think I broke the navmesh, I might make another update for that).
I decided to make some changes to B, to hopefully make it more balanced.

So, here are the changes!

-Pushed RED spawns back
-Added a roof and pillars to B
-Updated a bit of clipping on a box
-Moved the B point sign to the back wall of B, rather than the ramp.
-Added a medium ammopack next to the metal wall on the platform in front of B


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-Moved a box out of a pillar.
-Updated positions of the spectator camera position.
-Replaced the computer props for an out of bounds room in BLU spawn.
This is basically just a1.2 but I'm making this update so close to a1.1 so I'm just gonna round it up.


-Moved B closer to the main platform
-After BLU captures A, their respawn time will be decreased by 3 seconds
These updates are small changes that I personally felt like doing, I probably won’t make many more before I get some more feedback on the map, so if you have ideas, let me know!

-Updated clipping in BLU spawn and near B
-Updated texture alignment
-Increased capture area for B
-Moved the staircase leading to the balcony near B
-Added boxes to the staircase leading to the balcony near B
-It now takes only 10 seconds to capture B
-Updated background scenery
-Changed metal bar texture on a wall
-Added sign at RED spawn