New update!

-Added one-way windows to all spawndoors on the map.

-Added some extra decorative doors.

-Moved a healthkit and ammo pack in the hallway leading to the big room.

-Added a little easter egg for curious people to find.
Big update here!
The changes are as follows:

-Completely revamped RED’s spawnroom to make every entrance connected and make it less overly large. I also added a little out of bounds room in the spawn similar to BLU’s spawn.

-Thinned the wall near the RED side spawnroom.

-Changed the A platform texture to the metal texture seen on the B platform.

-Moved the small health and ammopack combo by the stairs leading up to the B sniping spot closer to the boxes.
Woohoo a new update yeah! :D

-Added clipping on the RED spawn sign.

-Adjusted wall positions in the big room.

-Adjusted texture alignment in a few spots.

-Added a new spectator camera position.
-Decorated the small side path next to the A door.

That's all, I guess it's pretty cool or whatever.


-Changed a few boxes on the upper area near B to a small container to be less boring looking.

-Moved around the boxes and ramp that let you get on top of the shipping container at B.
It is an update about boxes.

Here are the changes:

-Changed the pile of boxes near B to a large container, a small part of which can be entered, with a medium ammopack inside. The container also has some crates next to it to help you get on top of the container.

-Widened the wall next to the small RED spawn exit.
Thanks to Average Tiddy Goth GF for a bunch of feedback, which this newest update has used a lot of!

Here are the changes:

-Properly clipped the big A wall.

-You can no longer cap from behind the big A wall.

-Added a bunch of walls and props to block sightlines from the upper areas near B to block sightlines to the RED spawn doors. (It looks a bit weird and confusing right now but it should be ok.)

-A few more staircases can be crawled under.

-Rotated some planks

-Moved a healthkit and ammopack to a new wall at an upper area near B.
There is now a BIG DOOR!

Here are the changes:

-Added a BIG DOOR behind A, blocking the wide entrance until A is captured.
-Added a healthkit behind some boxes near A.
-Added a new path to get around the BIG DOOR at A.
A decently sized update this time around! (Though you wouldn't know that from the change notes).

Here are the changes:

-Removed areaportals on doors because they were quite buggy
-Added some containers to the flat area to block sightlines and make the area more interesting
-Added some more boxes by a staircase near A
Some relatively small but nice changes, I guess. :D

Here are the changes:

-Added an ammopack to the RED building in front of BLU to encourage people to go near the window.
-Lowered the capture zone of both capture zones.
-Added areportals to spawn doors.. (Hopefully they work!)
-Removed clipping on the metal wall next to B.