(Note: It's A7 because A5 was B1 without the new textures [never released] and B1 was basically A6 because I didn't know how going into beta worked)
-Finally fixed the skybox being an HL2 skybox and not Hydro's (Thanks...
Pagoda is now in beta! I've kinda decided to abandon the suijin / kong king theme and go with something simpler.
Most of this update was a texture overhaul with a few tweaks thwon in, so I'm not gonna bother with a changelog this time. INSTEAD...
Very few changes (except for second/fourth, which its changes only warrant a screen), so I'm just gonna list all of them at once;
-Reworked second/fourth (see screens)
-Fixed first forward spawns not having respawn trigger volumes
-The medium...
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