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cp_longway 2.5

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cp_longway 2.5

A 5CP Map that's about 6 months in the making, as of its original release.

As of right now this map is not complete, but is functional.
First release
Last update
Symmetrical CP

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Latest updates

  1. The Great Overhaul

    I overdid pretty much everything about the map. Don't mind the missing textures those are just custom decals I haven't figured out how to pack in yet.
  2. The "Version String" update

    Apparently this is a thing I'm supposed to stick at the end of my map names to display what development stage it's in, so I just stuck an _a1 at the end of it and more or less called it a day. This probably isn't an accurate descriptor of the map...
  3. A slight correction

    my ahh forgot to compile the map into a bsp, so here's the fix...