Fixed a fence prop accidentally blocking the north flank through the caves on final point
Adjusted global lighting settings to match Dustbowl
Updated skybox to match Dustbowl
Compiled using re-pack and the community RAD patch
No changes, just a new version string
Retry of previous update
-Fixed door in defender's spawn (final point)
-Fixed door of additional spawn (second point)
-Added and adjusted lights throughout
-Made final point actually spin

known errors;
-Red defender spawn doors (final point) do not close
-Rock on final stage 1st point juts out of the sand incorrectly
-final stage 1st point lacking lighting in some areas
-lights throughout baked in too bright
-final point spins too fast
Fixed trigger_hurt that had accidentally been turned into a world brush on the left-hand side of 1st point.
Added more signage to the final point.
Fixed lighting throughout
Added more lighting throughout
Disabled extra spawn rooms for now to prevent spawning issues (RED team spawning in a BLU spawn point? Strange times.)
Added a second defender's spawn room to the final point and moved half the spawn points there to better mimic the original map.