
cp_acadia b10

- Red team's main route will only open after the first point is capped
- Final cap is now sunk into the ground instead of raised up, and its capture time has been reduced, as well as capture area increased
- Several overpowered sentry spots at final cap have been blocked off
- Red now has access to their entire catwalk without it being divided in the middle
- Blue's first spawn has been given attack/defense style doors that stay open

If Blue team can't win after all this I swear I'm giving up on this map.
- Added a second spawn for Blu that is unlocked after the first point

- The stairs were clipped this whole time, I just forgot they were hidden in my first compile I swear

- Moved around healthpacks to be more advantageous to Blu

- Other small reccomendations made by the testers on the TF2maps server