
Coalridge a4

So i, as most people who played my map, get really frustrated by connector between Stage 1 and Stage 2. It was cramped, it was clunky with all those doors that basically lead to one room and most of all it was kinda just one way to get to the Stage 2 which is not good at all. So this update i make big changes to the connector. It still not ideal but now i know in what direction i want to work.

  • Major overhaul of Stage 1 to 2 connector.
  • Now having custom Coalridge sign!
  • Theres now only one path underneath Stage 2 Capture Zone from BLU side.
  • Left RED flank to the Stage 1 CP now changed so it's not un line with BLU balcony on the other side.
  • New flank route to the Stage 3 that opens when BLU cap Stage 2.
  • Some minor clipping and visual adjustment.
After long hiatus i am working on the map again. And i think a made some good improvements.

  • Make new rout to the first capture point and make left house route attached from the main one.
  • Remove main gates to the central route of Stage 1.
  • Make new attached building for the Stage 2 point for less symmetrical gameplay.
  • Rebuild Stage 3 to make it less symmetrical also.
  • Some minor gameplay changes.
After the first playtest the obvious thing was that my map overscaled. Sadly this is my weakest point as a mapper but i going to try fix it step by step. And i have some problems with map logic that i try to fix in a2.

  • Scaled map down for a decent amount. Make starting area and area after second capture point way smaller.
  • Updated first capture point. Make couple new entrances, and change a flow a bit.
  • Make entrance to the lower area under capture point B for the RED team.
  • Improved game logic. Now red team get moved from spawn when correspondent point is captured.
  • Lower BLU team spawn wave time.