
Cliffwreck A3

-Heavily renovated the Roof area so that it's more interesting to play on and no longer is a forward sniper's paradise
-Lightly renovated the building's insides to be a tighter combat arena
-Added various places for a spy to hide
-Added various invisible ramps to make it easier to traverse the map without needing to stop and jump over things
-Thinned the outer walking area of the point
-Added cover to make it easier to take the roof
-Made it virtually impossible to not figure out where the point is
-Adjusted Skybox to no longer be a "diaper skybox"
-Better camera angles to watch through when you're dead
-changed hole in back of building from weird broken floor to a fallen grate
-Fixed Respawn Timers
-Added arrow signs after many players couldn't find the point
-Moved blue side spire to properly block sniper sightlines
-Added small health packs to roof and inside building to make pushing to lower floors easier.
-Player is no longer able to go under the map (probably)
-Made climbing boxes/scaffolding to get to higher routes easier (chose not to add ramps as the difficulty of going back up vs going down is intentional)
-Made the base bricks of the train lights on the roof able to simply be walked on (instead of requiring the player jump to get past them)
-Moved a spawn point that confused players
-Added small ammo pack to middle path's tucked away area to encourage its use by spies and engineers