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Lowered the point and cave exits to their original height
Reduced height of ceiling in lower to accommodate reduced height of point
Reduced width of batts in order to expand space around the point and widen the left side choke
Increased width of batts doorway
Increased width of ramp/stairs up to concrete
Increased height of doorway under batts
Added props on concrete to allow scouts to double-jump onto batts
Removed some props in house
Various lighting adjustments to improve visibility
Reverted attacker and defender respawn wave times to 3 and 9 respectively
Various clipping and bullet/projectile collision improvements
Performance improvements
Continued art-pass
Changed environment lighting and skybox
Increased height of hill on mid to provide cover from snipers on batts
Extended cliffs on mid to limit sightlines from the point to concrete
Changed geometry of concrete to compensate for extension of cliff
Moved medium health and ammo on concrete behind the wall to be accessible without exposure to sightlines from mid
Changed catwalk at cave entrance to wrap around the cliff to provide an additional option for pushing snipers on mid
Removed rock by left side fence on mid to make it more difficult for defenders to flank using new catwalk
Added a doorway under left side bridge to limit sightlines from mid
Changed layout of house basement to be more open and eliminate sightlines from batts
Widened doorways in left side building to make it easier to locate flanking players
Replaced ramps up to house with a staircase
Added snow piles to improve ease of movement around rocks on mid (the snow texture has been modified to not produce particles that impact performance)
Added two small ammo packs on mid
Removed small ammo in house basement
Increased point capture time from 8 seconds to 10
Increased defender respawn wave time from 9 to 10
Decreased attacker respawn wave time from 3 to 2
Various clipping and bullet/projectile collision improvements
Performance improvements
Began art-pass
Added soundscapes
Redesigned left and right spawn exit routes
Extended house to replace metal barrier props on mid
Increased width of right side entrance to mid
Increased width of mid cave routes
Added small platforms to cave exits overlooking mid
Replaced various cliff displacements with walls
Removed small ammo from cave entrance platform
Added small ammo in first floor of house
Adjusted house first floor main door
Made house windows one-way
Increased width of mid by 256 units
Increased diameter of cap zone by 64 units
Widened right spawn exit
Rotated spawn points to all face the same direction
Redesigned right side area
Removed two small ammo packs from mid
Increased defender’s respawn wave time from 8 to 9
Decreased attacker’s respawn wave time from 4 to 3
Fixed various crack sightlines
Re-added fences to rocks on mid
Added windows to bridge room
Lowered spawn by 128 units
Adjusted spawn exit positions
Reduced capture time from 12 to 8 seconds
Remade brushwork from scratch in preparation for new artpass
Various layout changes/quality of life improvements
Fixed clipping issue on fences at mid
Fixed bug that caused players' movement to stutter while on the point
Removed railing that got in the way of rollouts in middle spawn exit building
Adjusted lighting on the point and around mid
Minor detailing changes
Fixed audio bug that prevented players from hearing hitsounds, spy decloaks, etc.
Improved clipping in several areas
Optimization improvements
Adjusted position of tunnel
Reduced steepness of wooden ramp leading to cliff
Increased the height of right side fences and rock on mid
Slightly rotated left side rock on mid
Adjusted back left rock on mid to make jumping onto the fence more consistent
Added an additional staircase to right side spawn exit
Various detailing changes
Adjusted lighting
Significantly reduced map file size