In this update:

➤Detailed the map some more
➤The ship model is done
➤Improved the 3D skybox
➤Fixed a few issues with the map.

The map is finally done guys!
It's been a blast. The map first started back in 2020 with the 72 hour summer contest and it's finally done 2 years later.
To be honest with you I lost my excitement about this map, but I tried my best to finish it up at least.
Hope you guys like it
In this update:
➤Detailed the map more
➤The music was changed to something fully custom.
➤The lighting of the map was also changed.
➤Optimization was improved ( by tiftid )
➤The ship now has a custom model ( by r0nii )
➤Opened up the right building more, now it allows players to get up to the balcony and fight each other a little more creatively.

Probably the next update will be the workshop release one. The map is almost "ready", only thing I need is the ship to be completely finished by r0nii and to get one final song from the composer who worked on this project with me.
Hope you like the changes.


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In this update:

➤ The whole map is detailed now (except from the ship)
➤Did plenty of displacement work
➤The cannons got a really big improvement (custom animation, cannon ball prop, logic ,reload animation all by r0nii).
➤Added a custom flame particle for the lighthouse ( made by Grubzer )
➤Custom cannon particles also by r0nii
➤Added soundscapes
➤The skybox and lighting got changed
➤Optimization was improved

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Beta 2, finally!
The map is getting every day better and better. I had a ton of help from r0nni that's why the map improved so much, the cannons alone that he made work 10 times better than mine, they have custom cannon balls, particles etc. He also provided me with a ton of feedback and I am glad that the map could be improved so much over 2 months. Obviously I am working on and off, I could have finished caribbean a while ago.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this version, of course more are yet to come, I will replace the invisible walls on the water with sea waves similar to bananabay, I will detail the map more and in the future the map will have a custom ship prop made by zeus. I am really excited for all of that.
In this update:
➤ Most of the map has been detailed!
➤Optimized the map more
➤Added a lot more clipping around
➤The map has it's own unique theme song now "Wellermann" by cig0073

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I was pretty busy the past few months, I was developing a movie of mine, working on my video game and my two other maps "sharkbay" and "Eruption" and I neglected caribbean which is really close to being "done".
I detailed a big part of it however. I haven't touched the lighting, the ship or the displacements yet, if you want to leave feedback, comment on the detailing around or outside the castle if you want.
By the looks of it Zeus will be making a model of the pirate ship in the map so look forward to that. Judging by his past work I am pretty sure it's gonna be great.
My goal with Caribbean is to create a fun and unique medieval map that you can spend a few minutes every once in a while and enjoy yourself. That's the plan. Hope I succeed. Anyways that's for now.
In this version:

➤The second point's capture zone was extended
➤Added a new cannon for blue. It's located on top of the ship and if you hit it , it will launch you to the first point. If you time however the jump with the demoknight's charge correctly you can pull off a crazy jump which will launch you from the ship straight to the second point.
➤Improved fps a little bit
➤Got rid of some of the clipping on the lighthouse so as to allow demoknights to jump over
➤Changed the decals of where the cannons shoot to a different texture
➤Blocked the door in the right building so it doesn't look any more that you can go there

I saw the latest demo and I was over the moon to find out how much you guys enjoyed the map. I tried adding one last fun mechanic before I start detailing just to see how it's gonna play out. Not gonna lie I took that idea from sea of thieves when it comes down to the cannon launching you away. Sadly my exams are around the corner so I dont know how much I am going to work in the next couple of weeks cause I still have eruption that needs a new update. As far eruption is concerned I remade last and I love the new design. It's definitely better than the previous one. I also have some ideas for Point B and C. For A not that many but give me time. Anyways that's for now, I hope you enjoy the map and please feel free to share your opinion and feedback.
in this update:

➤Added a new cannon for blue
➤Made the cannon balls team colored
➤Added more detailing
➤Reduced the cannons' cooldown from 15 to 10 secs
➤Changed a few stuff based on feedback
➤Added a small ramp that connects the point area to the left side building's platform

The last playtest went really well and I am very happy for that. I will continue updating the map but I think the beta stage is really close.
I am also working on eruption, dunno when I will release that new update considering I have my university exams in a few weeks but I will try my best.
In this update:

➤Improved the cannons so as they only deal damage to the enemy team
➤The cannons now take x3 the time they used to reload. (15 secs instead of 5)
➤Fixed getting stuck under the floor
➤Nerfed the cannons, now they deal 75 damage instead of 100+
➤Added more health and ammo
➤Replaced some textures with better ones
➤General fixes and improvements overall.

I saw the demo the other day and I was really happy you guys enjoyed the map. I am not planning to make caribbean into a 'serious' map or whatever. I prefer it to be a fun map to pass your time every once in a while. That's why I am going to beta pretty soon. I will put this map for playtest a couple more times before I do though. Anyways that's for now.
In this version:

➤Reworked the map from the ground up in order to look less like degrootkeep and more of it's one thing
➤The map has only 2 points now instead of 3. The first is outside in the small town/port and the second is inside the castle.
➤Made the map more pirate themed
➤Made the cannons work better. Now they even reload after 5 seconds.
➤Reduced the cannons down to 4 instead of 10.
➤Added more jumps around the map for scouts,spies,demoknights
➤Lowered the "Mercenaries of the caribbean" Theme a bit. It shouldn't be that loud anymore.
➤Optimized the map more.

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Yo Ho Pirates!
I think for this map to have an identity of it's own, this update was really needed. I am not planning to work on this map for much longer. I want to give it a couple more playtests and finally detail it. This map was made only for fun anyways. Anyways I hope you like what I made and enjoy the map.
In this update:

➤Reworked the Mid
➤Reworked points A and B in order to make them more interesting and closer to each other
➤Made the cannons work. Now if you hit them with your melee weapon they fire a cannonball where the cannon is facing. You can actually kill players this way but it only works once for each cannon.
➤Fixed the "Mercenaries of the Caribbean" Song glitch in the end of the round.
➤Added some textures
➤Added more clipping
➤Most props now fade away so as to have better fps

This is it lads! The update you all have been waiting for!
I am honestly really excited about this map. My plan with caribbean is just to make a really fun map, I hope I succeeded.
I tried to fix a problem with degrootkeep here. Most classes in medieval are kinda useless. The classes you see for the most part are demoman,medic and sniper. So now with the new design I tried giving scout ways to climb the castle, spy places to trickstab , hide and attack from above etc.
Anyways that's for now Hope you like the map!
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In this update:

-When points A and B are captured, the theme of the map ( mercenaries of the caribbean) plays. Music by Cig0073
you can find it here:

-Point C was completely remade from scratch. Now it feels and looks more pirate like.

-Added more trimps around the map.

-Removed the kill trigger around the map and replaced it with clipping.

-Added more med kits inside the castle.

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