This will be the release version for the Stack the Deck contest (unless there's no errors or something).
I think I did a good enough job, although my shabby detailing still shows.

Future updates are planned for when I get a better grasp on how I want to change the map.
My first BETA !!!!!??!! (not really i didn't have enough time to artpass the whole map)

Oh btw the market gardener works now with the cannons.
Fixed some of the clipping and the clipped buildings to be more intuitive that they're off limits.
Changed some little nitpicks.

Next version will probably be a beta with a fix for the cannons (i just keep procrastinating this task :scrunched:) and a major artpass.
-Completely remade BLU's spawn and spawn area, added some cover for exiting spawn
-Completely remade RED spawn
-Moved C from top of the tower towards somewhere near RED spawn, in the style of Degroot Keep and other medieval maps
-Changed the castle in the middle
-Added some trimpable cover on A
-Added some more height variation on B
-Detailed a bit the gears for the mill on B

i hope i made the distances smaller in order to fit better the medieval gamemode

Known issues:
-The cannons are still a bit wonky and the Market Gardener doesn't work when launching through them
-Other stuff i dont remember

-Decreased the size of the landmark bridge which I was very proud of by like a half or so, to fit better the expected closed spaces of medieval. (It may need still some more downscaling).

-Clipped the roof of the building on B, at first I thought it was very fun, but then I started feeling it was kinda wack generally, it was a great sniping spot and it was making the task of defining what should be clipped or not kinda hard. In its place, a balcony was added, which is where BLU players will land by default when using their cannon.

-Deleted the gate from the bridge to RED territory and put instead a side castle with a drawbridge. It has a spiral staircase that serves as a second way to get to C.

-Remade RED spawn entirely, and also added a cannon nearby to make the walktime from RED spawn to C much smaller, closer to what it's like in Degroot Keep. (Also people liked the cannon so much that I thought BLU shouldn't be the only team to get all the fun)

-Some other stuff i forgot about.