
Anchorage a2a

Fixes a couple things from a2
- Adjusted some clipping by the tower at point
- Made the water at spawn actually for real murder you, yo (for fun)
Version a1 of the map was conclusively too large and empty, so I changed that. Had to redesign just about everything in the map for a2 to provide a better more diverse gameplay space, but it still has some similarities to the first version, like the back of point big health area (I think it's funny)

Other than that there is still a couple changes I would like to list off.
- You can now swim at spawn (at your own risk)
- Connectors to point are more open and less boring
- Spawns are now closer to point and the map isn't as wide so less mobile classes don't spend years getting to point
- Added more height variation around the map instead of just the ground and the top of double stacked shipping crates
- Point is a bit less open and has more hiding spots and height variation
- Added more ways to get from each entrance to point so rotating doesn't take forever
- Whatever your heart desires (not really (get trolled))

Hopefully the map is more enjoyable that it was before and it's been a blast working on it so far.

Shoutout to my friends for providing idea's for the high ground by the tower at point, look like a lot of fun to play around.

anchorage a2 pic1.png
anchorage a2 pic2.png
anchorage a2 pic3.png
anchorage a2 pic4.png
anchorage a2 pic5.png
anchorage a2 pic6.png
anchorage a2 pic7.png
anchorage a2 pic8.png
anchorage a2 pic9.png
-Added medium health pack and ammo pack to blu side that were accidentally removed
-thats all folks
- :)